I agree the green tea one is nasty, tastes like mowed grass or hay smells.
I have to admit drinking it straight (my home made ones) isn't really my taste, but I add black cherry concentrate (to help w/ my gout and flavor the tea) and about 1/2 and 1/2 of flavored carbonated water, and my home...
Tried my first home made today. It is sweeter, tastes more like tea then the store bought, but I didn't flavor this first one. Mine didn't fizz though. I left it bottled and out of the refrigerator for 3 days. I was also thinking instead of flavoring it w/ frozen juice concentrate, maybe...
I had them in mid May I was excited to get them in a little early, it was good and wet and I thought a good time to transition between slips in water and plants in dirt. They took off right away like they didn't even notice they had been moved. They were in pretty full sun, they may have had...
I don't like my sweet potatoes covered in sugar or syrup or heaven forbid marshmallows!!! My favorite way my Gma taught me, dice s.p., onion, and sweet peppers, pan sauté them in butter until done.
Another way I like them (I also do white potatoes this way) microwave until cooked (or just...
Mostly slips, but then planted the sprouted potatoes I had been getting the slips from too. They were wet early on but not over watered through the summer. The one I got was nice size normal size, each plant had one or two thick roots about the thickness of my finger including the one that had...
I tasted mine today just a sip, it was sweeter then the stores (which I liked) but also zingy. Do you still get all the benefits if you drinking it "younger" less vinegary? What is the youngest that still retains the benefits?
I thought I did it right this year. I put them in a 4 x 8 raised bed w/ lots of loose dirt, a soaker hose, it was a very long growing season this year. I just got in from digging them up since we are to get our first killing frost tonight, I had ONE potato, ONE and I cut that one in half w/...
I am a fabricaholic, so always looking at fabric stores and sites, there is a huge new market for fancy camo colors, and even in satin fabrics. Even in the traditional colors for the satin.