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  1. GPN

    Show off your volunteers! **pics**

    momma had about 20 volenteer Tommy Toe plants this year, I took pictures but they are on my camera in the car at the moment. But her plants are taller than me and I am 5'2" and I could not reach the tops til the wind knocked them over now they are still as tall as me and bushed out. I will get...
  2. GPN

    Anyone have some artichoke seeds they would trade?

    wished I could help but I have not yet grown artichokes. Hope ya find some GPN
  3. GPN

    Seed train like on BYC?

    I would love the lettuce mix and I OFFER: Tommy Toes '10- fresh dried from vine Wild Cherry Tomatoes- bought from ebay this spring Ferry-Morse Dill Mammoth- '10 Burpee Pepper Carnival Mix-'09 ( we grew some this year) purple haze carrots burpless cucumbers rose of Shaorn mixed barrel cactus...
  4. GPN

    Fig Tree Rooting Surprise

    When Momma wants to root a fig limb she, pushes the branch close to the ground and sets a rock on it to wait it down and it roots, then next season she digs just that on branch off the main tree. we have 3 huge trees and she is giving the figs away this year because she nor i climb a leader to...
  5. GPN

    Teeny garlic

    What color is the bloom? I have (i think) purple globe allium (garlic) that is about that size this year. I have bulblets to plant this fall, and still have some heads we have to find under the daylillies and get moved. Garlic is great when you have it! GPN ETA: I researched the garlic I have...
  6. GPN

    Seed train like on BYC?

    Do you have something else so we can crank the train again :D
  7. GPN

    Happy Earth Day!

    :D We Celebrate today, but It is Momma Birthday! :D
  8. GPN


    I am in Alabama and we planted 3, and 2 sprouted up. we just transplanted them in a old wash tub. My niece that is 3yrs old brought and peanut home to plant, she eat 3 and planted 1 in the Flower garden, she thinks it is growing. Momma dug it out and did not know it...ooooops. Thats why we...
  9. GPN

    Seed train like on BYC?

    Guess TEG train will go quicker now ! hehehe :D
  10. GPN

    Seed train like on BYC?

  11. GPN

    Seed train like on BYC?

    i wasn't awke when I read her post either or I would have said that it was not up yet! Sorry GPN Now Back to Wifezilla's offer
  12. GPN

    Seed train like on BYC?

    Is thats what I got! I forgot to plant them this past season, ended up with several packs
  13. GPN

    Serrano peppers...lots of them!

    I make hot pepper sauce, but I have never used serranos, just because I did want to buy them, hehehe. wash the peppers, dry pack in to a jar (any size) add cherry tomatoes or tommy toes, and onion slices. Then heat white vingar to cover in the jar and seal. Let mellow for a couple of weeks and...
  14. GPN

    Post your Thanksgiving Menu!

    I still live at home with Momma & Daddy at the age of 28, so we had the family here this year, My sis, BIL, 2 nieces, nephew then BILIL, SILIL niece and nephew. 12 people: turkey ham (cockpot over night with pinapple) chicken fingers dressing canned cranberry sauce rolls mac and chesse sweet...
  15. GPN

    Seed train like on BYC?

    What do I do if no one wants what I got? I ok with someone bouceing in to un-derail this train! :D
  16. GPN

    Seed train like on BYC?

    Someone want to get this going again! I will not mind if you post to offer something different, cause this was all I have right now! Thanks GPN
  17. GPN

    Seed train like on BYC?

    I would like the butternut squash Please wifezilla!! I offer : carnival peppers summer squash Burpless cucumbers white icicle radish pink four oclock mixed four oclock snapdragon mixed wildflower mix larkspur mixed aster mix bachelors button mixed clump of Monkey Grass (lillyturf) Castor...
  18. GPN

    Seed train like on BYC?

    :D Got anything else wifezilla?
  19. GPN

    Seed train like on BYC?

    I know I am taking up space but I am gonna ask here anyway!! The Golden Bantam Sweet Corn is that what some called Yellow field corn? Thanks GPN Brokedownranch has the current offer!!