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  1. wifezilla

    Can a tamale steamer be used as a water bath canner?

    Is it tall enough to cover the jars? If so, I don't see why not.
  2. wifezilla

    What can I do with hot peppers . . .

    I think pepper jelly would be perfect. Then you can control how much heat you want.
  3. wifezilla

    Are the sweet potatoes ready yet?

    I planted mine in June. I wont even think of harvesting until we start getting frost warnings. Last year I grew garnet sweet potatoes. This year I actually got some more suited for my climate. I have violetta and carogolds this time. The vines look great. And while you can feed the vines and...
  4. wifezilla

    does any one dry their food

    Is there a picture? It sounds like it is at least 50% lower than getting a new one.
  5. wifezilla

    Seed train like on BYC?

    I JUST heard from Riverman. He had been offline for weeks. PM him and we can restart the train.
  6. wifezilla

    does any one dry their food

    I found a Nesco dehydrator at Goddwill for $5.99. It even had the fruit leather tray liner in it :D I tried a batch of zucchini chips and they taste ok. I just don't like them with the lemon pepper I sprinkled on top. I can still toss them in soups. I will just have to experiment with the...
  7. wifezilla

    There's now two mushrooms sprouting next to my pepper plant *sigh*

    Just a heads up on the fungus near your garden plants... it may be a GOOD thing. "Beneath your feet, plants and fungi are exchanging nutrients in a marketplace where generosity is rewarded and cheating punished. The two kingdoms were known to exchange nutrients at root level now, researchers...
  8. wifezilla


    I kept some chinese cabbage alive all winter. We even had a few nights where it went to -20. Then in spring, I uncovered them and forgot I had the cover off when I let the ducks out for some free range time. :P I hope they appreciated me keeping those alive for them!
  9. wifezilla

    Hot Pepper Sauce

    Pepper Jelly IS delicious. love it with cream cheese. YUMMM!!!! You might want to use some for that :D As for a tabasco type product, it would be very hard to duplicate...the crushed peppers are aged in white oak barrels for 3 years! You can make some very tasty fermented pepper sauces that...
  10. wifezilla

    Going Offline for awhile

    We'll miss you, but it sounds like a smart plan. When the world is on fire, you gotta save for those asbestos undies! :D
  11. wifezilla

    There's now two mushrooms sprouting next to my pepper plant *sigh*

    I have shrooms in parts of my garden. No biggie. It's been raining a lot. The plants around the shrooms look just fine :hu
  12. wifezilla


    Pretty sure that looks like purslane. Snap off a piece. If the liquid is clearish, it is purslane. Milky means spurge. I think you have to introduce it young. I always float pieces in water for the ducklings. They start off playing with it and then figure out it is food :D. Even my quail eat...
  13. wifezilla

    Petaluma Gold Rush Beans

    No, but my pole beans are all vine too. Only my Anasazi beans have pods :P
  14. wifezilla

    Cherokee Purple - Normal size?

    I made sauce that was a mix of cherokee purple and Roma and I had oregano and basil from the garden for spice. It was delicious!!! Unfortunately I only had enough for 3 jars! I had to hide them from hubby and only bring them out on special occasions :D
  15. wifezilla

    Early Potato and Squash harvest

    I can get those round zucchini at the farmers market. I tired to grow them but the squirrels got Em. As for my Yukon golds, my vines are looking pathetic so it might be time to harvest.
  16. wifezilla

    Sundried Tomatoes in Olive Oil

    Humidity will stop your tomatoes from drying.
  17. wifezilla

    can chickens eat cauliflower leaves?

    I chop stuff like that up for the ducks all the time.
  18. wifezilla

    Sundried Tomatoes in Olive Oil

    I dried black plum tomatoes last year. They were nom!! :D
  19. wifezilla

    Gardens Alive catalog and COUPON

    Thanks Steve!
  20. wifezilla

    Gardens Alive catalog and COUPON

    Wait. I think all those companies were bought out by some big corporation. monsanto???