i didnt think you were whining .. probably cuz i did so bad, i can relate .. ive tried so hard, physically and for what, not the success i see in other posts .. but im so frustrated with my lack of success that i refuse to give in until 'i get this' .. i will produce .. i will succeed .. i will...
Yea for you!!
i am so trying to convince my husband that bees are the answer .. this is why i am so bad at gardening .. hes so not falling for it ..
great for you for sticking with it and how exciting a new toy..
i would love to learn more ..
wifezilla i love cookie!
Broke Down Ranch - what an amazing photo of your noodles, when i read the post about raspberries from injunjoe, i thought of noodles first .. about getting a bobcat to take care of the raspberries, funny ..
really great photo !!
i battle berry bushes from a empty lot next door .. round up didnt work for us ..
i snip them when they come over the top of the fence.
ive salted (water softener salt?) along the fence line.
i use my shovel to dig up where they have taken root in my beds..
my husband has used a metal...
Broke Down Ranch, i would so love to see that guy every time i walked in and out my back door, im so looking for one of those! such a excellent reuse idea ..
(ron and joe, you two are to funny!)
thorn-less .. does that mean less thorns than mine or no thorns at all?
thorn-less .. well now i guess i would of known this before .. the thorns kind of hurt sometimes!
that is definitely one of the prettiest roses i've seen, so very different in color than i have or seen .. very strong color...
that looks great!
my husband has walked past a bed with fresh store bought chicken poo and said the same thing!! you'd think he'd be use to my poop soups .. not yet ..
if you think about it and are willing to share more photos, i'd love to see more updates! ..
im excited for you..
you are very generous joe .. i dont feel ready to adopt baby plants, i am no where ready, i would feel so bad if i killed them .. but thank you!
the arrowleaf i have was in a dixie cup and was going to be throw out, i have killed off the other leaves he had, but the one still standing is looking...
geeze, injunjoe, you sure make greenery look great .. i love all the various shades of green
off to research Variegated Arrowleaf vine, i have 1 solo leaf growing on long roots in a glass of water in my kitchen i've had for over 5 years (for me that is impressive!!) ...
injunjoe i think your a...
Broke Down Ranch wow, i am so totally impressed .. if i could hand out awards, yeah you'd get the one for best reuse of a product and perhaps another award for keeping items out of our landfill .... i heart your greenhouse .. cant wait to show my husband, it doenst have to cost a grand ..
so pretty!
the only one i know is the first picture as vfem said cosmo (i planted a whole seed package and got 1 - im so totally proud of him)
what ever is in picture 2 .. i love it .. so small and delicate .. love the colors .. cute cute .. very girly ..
pictures 3 and 4 great colors
injunjoe the morning glories are climbing higher, are you making the tp to help shade the plants below? i see the bamboo is filling out ..
i think i have a fern like the one behind the gold pot, i searched on line and i think its a boston fern, pretty hardy for me - that still remains to be...
HiDelight - i heart ask jeeves and then google if that doesnt give me what i want .. books?? what are those ??? kind of like my son has no clue what a L.P is .. or a cassette for that matter ..
OH injunjoe, you are the best .. THAT IS IT!!!
sparkles - a chokeberry would at least be useful eh...