I am leery of ordering something off of the tv.
Do you know where they are coming from?
There are certain nurseries online that I also won't order from so you really need to know what you are getting.
I don't think they are that expensive if you are getting 3 of them, I just don't know about the...
I think I could grow enough to feed my family if the weather cooperates this year.
There are nine of us, some will eat any veggie you put in front of them and pick them out of the garden and stand there eating them and then two of them (the oldest girls) like some veggies but not others.
We do...
I ordered from them once but I can't even remember what it was that I ordered, it was only a couple of things but I don't remember
I just got my order from Cook's Garden today
I actually had all of my seed orders in and then this catalog came and I got weak so I got a few more things.
I forgot...
I heard about them a couple of years ago and check their website every so often to see what they are up to now.
They have accomplished alot in such a small space.
I would do what you are doing with the paper bag, I am doing that now with a few of them in the pantry.
Mine usually have the start of the little eyes when they send them and if they don't or are not sprouted enough they tell you to warm them for a couple of weeks until they get the eyes.
Vfem, I stopped letting my kids eat that stuff a couple of years ago too.
For a while I found some decent ones at Whole Foods but ended up giving them up all together to make my own.
I now raise meatbirds to provide chicken for my family.
I haven't bought any at the store since last year.
I make...
Oh My gosh I love fingerling potatoes! Reinbeau turned me onto them last year because I wasn't sure I whether wanted to try growing them or not and they are now my families favorite.
I grow a dozen different kinds of potatoes every year and even though the kids enjoy the blue and purple ones...
Sounds great! I was hoping to poke around the yard this weekend but we have had torrential downpours for the last 2 days.
I am itching to get out there and do something, even if its just straightening up and getting things organized.
We can't put too many crops in this time of year, its still...
Anyone sprouting right now?
I have some mung and china rose radish going now but I am going to do some small crimson lentils and crimson clover tomorrow.
I haven't tried those last two types yet.
I have some alfalfa seeds too I should probably sprout for the hens.
They are probably going crazy...
Well Steve, I had yours right but I think its because of the gloves in your avitar.
Never though of Vfem, I just figured it was initials for something.
I wonder if my kids no who they are.
I am with you on CCR though Steve. I was always a big fan of Aerosmith though, the band members all live...
I think they look cool, I have a few of them around the yard, I like to put them in places where you need a little height or you don't have enough room for a regular wide shrub.
I read that a while ago and I loved it!
He was on Oprah the other day. I know this sounds weird but I have never watched Oprah and someone called to tell me that Michael Pollen was going to be on so I checked it out, just in the nick of time.
When I caught the show they were already showing a...
Why ruin a perfectly good topic with nasty remarks?
So what if everyone on here wanted to swoon over the Amish?
Maybe in these complicated,trying times their lifestyle is appealing, so what?
Seedcorn, who on earth here suggested that we should all be living like the Amish? Why respond with such...
I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Get what you have available in a price range you can afford.
If you can get cedar or redwood thats great but if you can't
even untreated pine will last a few years and its not that expensive or much work to replace a frame.
I think I misunderstood her post and was thinking how much could there be to see this time of year.
When she said show me your gardens I was assuming she meant that she wanted to see pictures of peoples' gardens that were actually planted and underway but looking back she is just showing her...
Violets is one.
I believe Borage is another.
There is actually quite alot, I was reading about that the other day.
I am pretty sure they mentioned Lovage as one.
It was quite surprising to me how many there were I never would have thought of. Hyssops was mentioned and I grow a ton of that and...
Welcome to the forums Tamara.
I am live in Mass as well as does our moderator Reinbeau.
Where in Mass do you live?
It would be helpful if you go into your profile and put in your location.
If you ask for help with something then members will be able to use your location as a referance in giving...