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  1. S

    Truck load of Woodchips

    So a friend of ours is a tree guy and he drops off all kinds of free wood for us to use for firewood. I asked him recently if he had any woodchips to spare I could use a little. So the other night I hear his truck pull in so I figure he is dropping off wood I couldn't see in the dark so I just...
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    I'm being taken over

    My chickens did mine in. I had a 15x20 section of it that had been creeping over from my neighbor's yard for years, the chickens had it gone in one summer. I actually like vinca but it does grow wherever it wants, I have it around the edges of the yard and that is fine but I can use the part...
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    How to fix low spots in the yard.

    Thank you to everyone for all the replies. The yard use to have grass in the area that is now holding water after a rain. Its right in the middle of the yard in front of the chicken coop. The rest of the yard is fine, the house and surrounding areas does not get water, its been here since 1768...
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    How to fix low spots in the yard.

    Not sure if this is the right section for this but what the heck. I have been having a tough time with low spots in the yard holding alot of water after a rain and even when it drains its all muck. I trucked in alot of loam over the summer to level it off but its still retaining water. It seems...
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    Podding Radish~~Anyone Tried These?

    Hi there and :welcome.
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    raised bed gardening

    The only thing about waist hight is that you need alot of soil to fill them and some times its actually harder to reach when they are that high especially if you want to till them, work compost in etc.
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    "GOOD CHICKEN RECIPE" I'm always looking for them !!

    Hattie can you post this recipe or do you have a link for it?
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    Growing Sprouts

    I don't know about beets as sprouts, I know the radish do very well but I have never seen the beets advertised for this and this might be why.
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    Podding Radish~~Anyone Tried These?

    Steve, I actually did see that thread but I didn't open it, I saw the title and figured it was more for indepth radish gardeners and I just grow a few kinds so I didn't consider myself radish experienced. Thanks for the link though. I think I may try these just for fun, there is always something...
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    dumb canning question

    I agree, anything homemade is the absolute best, store bought just cannot compete. You also avoid all those chemicals and preservatives that they put in packaged food. I made a turkey soup after Thanksgiving and my family could not get enough of it. I made 12 quarts so I thought I would be able...
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    Garden Whipping! - Updated: pg21

    I don't know how I missed these pictures. Awesome job Catalina, your garden is stunning!
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    Podding Radish~~Anyone Tried These?

    I was wandering around some seed websites on this cold and dreary day and I found these podding radishes. Sounds interesting, I am always trying something new just for fun as long as it doesn't take up alot of room. Has anyone ever grown these or eaten them? They look like long green beans...
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    Diatomaceous Earth--Soil problem when mixed with used bedding?

    DE works by cutting the exoskeleton in insects and they dry out and die. Earthworms do not have an exoskeleton. Even if they did I don't know if the DE would be effective after getting wet, there has been some debate on this. Some say once DE gets wet it loses its ability to pierce the insect...
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    What Are Your Plans For Your Garden This Spring

    Okay guys I just played the lottery so if I win tonight I may have to add on to my landscaping plans. I could get the whole fence done at once instead of one side at a time. I could also finish the driveway. See, I know how to live it up!:lol:
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    New in Florida

    :welcome You came to the right place. We have alot of experienced gardeners as well as alot of newer ones so they run the gamut here and we all learn from eachother. Its a fun place to spend the winter dreaming of what we can do this spring.
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    Selling Extra Herb Harvest

    If you have enough of it I would think you could sell it at a farmer's market. Do you have enough of your other herbs to start selling them at a market? If not you may be able to sell the extra at a local shop if you could make rosemary wreaths or sachets.
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    What's growing now, Ramona, California Zone 9b

    Wow! I can't believe you have tomtoes growing right now. My garden is under a layer of icy snow.
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    New Forum Member

    Welcome to the Easy Garden!:) There is a thread here somewhere that we were discussing using herbs for making tea. There are quite a few herb gardeners here. Enjoy the forum!
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    grapes needing help

    If those grapes are not what you really want then I would go ahead and replace them with a variety that suits you better. I like the seedless myself so I planted 3 varieties to see what does well and to get grapes that ripen at different times so I have a steady flow coming in instead of all at...