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  1. M

    Weather Bones!

    I've got a couple good predictors too...not from breaks but my nemesis Arthur-itis :( Knees and elbows mostly...when they get an ache beyond the norm, I know we've got a pressure system approaching. Thankfully, nothing out of the ordinary today so I'm thinking that, while it's pretty chilly...
  2. M

    Got my vacuum sealer from Amazon today

    I've been looking at one for quite a while, reading what people are saying here and on other boards. Think I'm convinced. Petey, that's brilliant about the lettuce! I rarely get lettuce any more because it goes off before we can get it eaten. Think I definitely want a jar attachment; I've...
  3. M

    Off to a good start

    Took your advice, Jack and ordered 2 boxes which is 416 cubes...with shipping it came to under $35. Hope they ship fast...gonna hold off on getting the rest of my stuff started and use the cubes :) Thanks again!
  4. M

    Off to a good start

    Thank you Sir! I have some various odds and ends but mostly tomatoes...lots and lots of those :) Think I'll just go ahead and get the larger ones. "Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it" is my motto :)
  5. M

    Mail box area/ don't know what to do

    We put some Morning Glories in around ours a few years ago, and they've been volunteering since. It's just a single mailbox, but it's really pretty with the vines and flowers growing up around it. We do have to keep it trimmed over the door though...or you can't get it open and closed ;)
  6. M

    Off to a good start

    Thanks for posting that, Jack. I'd never heard of them before; they sound awesome! Would you recommend the 1" or the 1.25"? I got quite a few seeds stuck in starting pots today, but have lots more to go and this sounds perfect.
  7. M

    Some pics of my recent bed making

    Wow, all that neatly arranged space! Can't wait for summer pix :)
  8. M

    Composters Anonymous

    Young John IS a very nice young feller :) When Dave brought him home back in August to see if he'd want to camp out in our spare room for "a couple of months" we were kidding around and he claimed I'd want to adopt him before too long. I disagreed, but...turns out he was right! He took us out...
  9. M

    Composters Anonymous

    Really excited; we can get composting in earnest soon! We've always had some wee piles and a tumbler type around, but didn't really have access to everything need to get a really serious composter going. I was really wanting to get a couple of pallet bins going this year and now we can...
  10. M


    Rest and take GOOD care of you sorry you're not well :(
  11. M

    Peas for canning

    One of the members of our little sustainable group on FB posted a really neat idea. Two old bike wheels, with a pole (looked like metal conduit to me). Run the pole through the wheels, spacing them about 5 or 6 feet apart and then drive the pole into the ground far enough to make it sturdy...
  12. M

    Paste Tomato

    Hmmm...never heard of a Porter. Reckon it's one I'd need to order cuz I've not seen it locally. So far the ones I've done have mostly been Roma's...bought 4 cases of them from the farmer's market last year and didn't even ask what actual variety they were, LOL. We have our faves we use for...
  13. M

    Paste Tomato

    We hit the local nursery yesterday; they have a good supply of organic and heirloom stuff, so we picked up the rest of the seeds for the season. Not to say we won't add stuff, of course! I went with San Marzano and a couple others for slicing and eating. It was senior day so I got a 10%...
  14. M

    If you had to do it all over again...

    Oh, the possibilities! If I had the options available now and were young I'd probably go into forensics of some sort...working on puzzles all day...what fun! Well, either that or find me a good farmer and settle down to play in the dirt and raise critters :)
  15. M

    Cheating in the Kitchen

    What a great story! Kudos to you and Ms B :)
  16. M

    Paste Tomato

    Great info! Keep it coming! I like all kinds for slicing and salads, but with just 2 of us, there's only so many we can eat, LOL. While I love V8 type juice, I'm not too crazy about plain tomato juice, though Dave likes it. For the most part, I can tomatoes for adding to chile and soups, and...
  17. M

    Paste Tomato

    Thanks major. Don't think I've heard of that one. Think today is going to be "starting" lots of outside projects that need done, but the forecast is for clouds and flurries on and off so I reckon I'll just garden indoors.
  18. M

    Paste Tomato

    Tomatoes have always had a place in our garden, but mostly for fresh eating and then I'd just can up the "overage". This year I want to do that as well, but also want to specifically grow plenty just for canning. What's your favorite variety for this purpose...and why...and how many do you plant?
  19. M

    Peas for canning

    Must be a difference even between states...friends of ours from the gulf area of Louisianna called all spuds except sweet ones "Irish" LOL Do you differentiate between sweet potatoes and yams? I'll have to try more sweet potato recipes...all I've ever done with 'em is bake 'em or boil and mash...
  20. M

    Rabbit Crisis...Need Advice!

    And when he gets over it make sure he has constant access to lots of fiber...and is eating it. Their digestive systems are much like horses and if it doesn't keep moving, it can be deadly. Ours have free choice of whatever grass hay is in season...right now it's Timothy. They also get a...