9:30 and Already dealt With Crazy


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
That is TOO FUNNY!!!

I had a little bit of crazy this morning too. Went to the hardware store. Asked the older gentleman behind the counter if they had 8' T-posts. The next 5 mins went like this:

"Do we have what?"
"8' t-posts"
"I'm sorry, you're looking for posts?"
"What kind?"
blank look....
"Fence posts - the metal ones."
"Oh! T-posts!"
"Yes! Do you have them?"
"We have a couple different ones, which ones do you want?"
"Do you have any 8' long"
'Any what?"
"T-posts... 8' long... do you have any 8' long t-posts?"
"Fine. I need some concrete too. What size bags to you have?"
"Only 4' and 6'"
..blank look..... "No, concrete. What size bags of concrete do you have?"
"... yes.."
"80lb bags."
"Nothing smaller?"
"Ok. I'll need 3."
"What size?"
"What size bags do you want?"
"... um... what size do you have?" (Starting to catch on to this 'game')
"60lb and 80lb."
"You have 60lb bags and 80lb bags?"
"I'll take 5 of the 60lb bags"
"Anything else"
"I don't think I could stand anything else."
blank look.....
"No, thank you, I don't need anything else today."

What are you plotting @canesisters? Sounds like an impressive project!
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so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
That is TOO FUNNY!!!

I had a little bit of crazy this morning too. Went to the hardware store. Asked the older gentleman behind the counter if they had 8' T-posts. The next 5 mins went like this:

"Do we have what?"
"8' t-posts"
"I'm sorry, you're looking for posts?"
"What kind?"
blank look....
"Fence posts - the metal ones."
"Oh! T-posts!"
"Yes! Do you have them?"
"We have a couple different ones, which ones do you want?"
"Do you have any 8' long"
'Any what?"
"T-posts... 8' long... do you have any 8' long t-posts?"
"Fine. I need some concrete too. What size bags to you have?"
"Only 4' and 6'"
..blank look..... "No, concrete. What size bags of concrete do you have?"
"... yes.."
"80lb bags."
"Nothing smaller?"
"Ok. I'll need 3."
"What size?"
"What size bags do you want?"
"... um... what size do you have?" (Starting to catch on to this 'game')
"60lb and 80lb."
"You have 60lb bags and 80lb bags?"
"I'll take 5 of the 60lb bags"
"Anything else"
"I don't think I could stand anything else."
blank look.....
"No, thank you, I don't need anything else today."

Sounds like "Who's on First?"


Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Southeast VA
FINALLY getting around to expanding the chicken run.
It was about 30'x30' with an 8'x8' coop in the corner. Now it's about 30'x90'. :)
It encloses the 2 garden circles - which they are enjoying tilling and fertalizing!! Once they've taken the grass down to dirt (about mid Jan) I'll pile them back up (use Marshall's trick to heat them from below to get the composting going) and run a circle of chicken wire around them to keep the girls out. Come Summer, most of the bugs and weeds will have to battle past the chickens to get to the garden.
I put wooden posts along the back and end. But since the front is a temp fence line it's just t-posts.
I'm hoping to expand it again next fall to make it about 45'x90'.

Plus.... LOTS more room for MORE chickens in the spring!!!


Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Southeast VA
It's not all for the chickens benefit. When it's all said and done, they'll loose about 1/3 of it during gardening season.
Mostly, the idea got going because I am SICK of spending hours mowing grass every weekend. Slowly but surely, a major part of the lawn is getting turned into something useful. Chicken pasture, gardens, flower beds, fire pit area, and anything else I can think of that will cut down on mowing time. I'd MUCH rather spend Saturday quietly 'harvesting' weeds to feed the chickens than riding that mower. This winter I'm hoping to put down feedbags along the whole wooden fence line and cover with a 36" wide mulch bed (bit by bit). Next spring I'll plant beans or something there along with some flowers.
Each season, something is added along the edges and the lawn gets a little smaller. :D


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
You have the right idea canesisters. Grass is nice to look at but we don't need that much to do that. I have no grass in my backyard and just a small piece in the front. That's enough for me!



Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
I have comments on Debbie's project and a question about her hardware guy. Then, this thread can be declared officially hijacked !

First, why do you suppose his responses to your questions were like that? Do you think he was just playing out the time he'd have to talk to you?

I have gardens in the exurbs. I am in the middle of several "grounds-keeping" styles. Here's the worst to the best to my way of thinking:
  1. The guy who sprays weedkiller on about 2.5 acres in front of his McMansion. I'm not kidding! He's done it for at least 5 years! Dirt & rocks.
  2. The guy who mows once each year and counts on lack of rainfall to suppress weed growth. The fact that he has pulled down part of his old barbwire fence so he could drive in behind his barn adds to the careless look.
  3. The guy who, along with his wife, spends hours on riding lawnmowers on regular mowings.
  4. The guy who pays a custom field "tractor guy" to harvest alfalfa. He then sells the hay to make up a little of the costs.
I suppose best would be if #4 neighbor had his own use for those very few tons of hay ... oh yeah, there's a guy with 3 sheep ... but I bet he pays to have them sheared and still has to buy feed for them.


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