Garden Master
I have comments on Debbie's project and a question about her hardware guy. Then, this thread can be declared officially hijacked !
First, why do you suppose his responses to your questions were like that? Do you think he was just playing out the time he'd have to talk to you?
I have gardens in the exurbs. I am in the middle of several "grounds-keeping" styles. Here's the worst to the best to my way of thinking:
I suppose best would be if #4 neighbor had his own use for those very few tons of hay ... oh yeah, there's a guy with 3 sheep ... but I bet he pays to have them sheared and still has to buy feed for them.
- The guy who sprays weedkiller on about 2.5 acres in front of his McMansion. I'm not kidding! He's done it for at least 5 years! Dirt & rocks.
- The guy who mows once each year and counts on lack of rainfall to suppress weed growth. The fact that he has pulled down part of his old barbwire fence so he could drive in behind his barn adds to the careless look.
- The guy who, along with his wife, spends hours on riding lawnmowers on regular mowings.
- The guy who pays a custom field "tractor guy" to harvest alfalfa. He then sells the hay to make up a little of the costs.
At first I thought that he just didn't hear me. Then I began to wonder if he was drunk - or possibly - not even an employee. Maybe he was someone's uncle and since it was almost closing time he was just hanging out waiting to give (or get) a ride. Whatever the reason, it gave me a giggle and a good story. More and more it seems that I'm living in the middle of a Laural & Hardy skit.