@Nyboy we are so glad to have you here! A voice of reason amid all the overkill and hype. We are glad to have you present facts and calm assurance that there is a better way. Thank you!
Thanks bay what people sometimes forget, it is a business to make money. We all would like to believe our Vets first desire is helping animals, but like anything else making money comes first.
I have gotten an education today. Ha. I had YouTubed that before Nyboy posted a video and got to see what happens if you don't use a tissue!
Now that I think of it, our beagle must have had gland problems too, although it was never something the vet noticed, nor I asked about. She would sit at the top of the driveway and pull her cart alllll the way down until she got to the bottom. We just thought it was hysterical and some sort of neurotic behavior because she seemed to really enjoy it. She was regularly vetted and we knew she didn't have worms at least. I will file this information away back in the dark recesses of my brain for future reference!
This is right up there with a certain part of a gelding horse's anatomy that the vet informed me should be thoroughly cleaned once a year...
I also thought it was funny that they referred to those glands as a vestigial organ when apparently the dog finds it useful (sniffing and marking territory).
Journey what your beagle was dong is called scooting. When I was a kid my uncle told me dogs did that when they needed to be wormed. Thats a wives tail means anal glands are full. I don't use a tissue and have been sprayed in face more then once, just part of the job.
I agree, Thank you, @Nyboy, for the assurance. I felt like surgery was a little extreme (and expensive) and the possible side effect of incontinence is not something I want to get into!
I have canned pumpkin, will start her on that tonight.
The Glandex is a mix of pumpkin seed, quercetin dihydrate, lactobacillis acidopholis, apple pectin and bromelain. Pretty sure I will be ordering it.
Her day care has a groomer on staff. I will ask tomorrow if she can do that occasionally. At the vet's, it is done via the rectum, which I know is very painful.
A lot of stuff on line is either strictly vet based, or home remedy, DIY based. I needed an unbiased opinion. So, thanks.
i have not had an issue with my dog needing expression of the glands. i do remember a dog i had as a kid having the issue when she got much older but it must not have been a problem for long. the scooting thing we used to see a neighbor's dog do a lot too when i was a kid.
do some breeds have more issues with this than others? or is it mostly part of the diet that helps keep them in check? i do know the 7 years i've had Ein he always loved carrots and yogurt.
In 35 years grooming dogs I only know of one that had removed because of not expressing. The owner was a little crazy.I know of about 5 dogs needing them removed for caner my dog being 1. 2 of the dogs then had life long problems, holding stool. One dog would go when ever someone rang door bell and she started barking. Honestly I would look for another vet. Unless he felt a tumor, he is going away over board.
Yes some breeds do have more trouble then others.The dogs I breed are number 1 with anal gland trouble. smaller dogs are more prone to it. A word about the pumpkin, it has to be just canned pumpkin, not canned pumpkin pie filling. diet does make a difference.