A Seed Saver's Garden


Garden Addicted
Jan 17, 2021
Reaction score
Northern Ontario, Canada
As I was munching a carrot outside today, the leaves were falling from the trees, I was reminded again this season of how utterly different home grown produce is from store bought. The corn, the beans, the tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, fresh coriander - all so delicious and fresh. Nothing compares to it. It really is such a blessing to have good, good food. And then of course there is the things you can grow that you can't buy anywhere. I just can't imagine ever being without a garden. I'm so glad that my kids are growing up seeing a garden as an important part of life.

The small, new clematis I planted in June has actually set a flower! I'm kinda shocked really, but happy to see a bloom. The picture on the tag is all I had to go on. I'm hoping this is a good sign that it'll flower a little next year. I'm thinking the timing of the blooming is off because it was from a greenhouse. The new pink one bloomed next to it also, but those blooms were much smaller.

Saying goodbye to all these fuzzy tomato guys tomorrow. They were darn good tomatoes, but they've all gotten soft now and too sweet for eating. I will grow these again for sure though.

By lucky chance I noticed in one of the pole bean's foliage that a ground cherry plant had volunteered, a regular Aunt Molly type from last year. So I could take a picture with the jumbo! I read last night that these guys may not actually be the same species afterall, it might be Physalis peruviana as oppose to Physalis pruinosa. That would explain how they could be so different!
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