Use ”left brain man mentality” when you add it to the milk. ‘If a little’s good, a lot’s better”.
the recipe says 10-1 but i usually have a bit left over and when i started adding more i noticed it seemed to hurry the process along some. In my environment it usually takes my rice water 5-7 days to get “the smell” im after then another 3-5 days to go thru the separation stage. By adding more starch water earlier, i have had the separation complete in 3 days!
the recipe says 10-1 but i usually have a bit left over and when i started adding more i noticed it seemed to hurry the process along some. In my environment it usually takes my rice water 5-7 days to get “the smell” im after then another 3-5 days to go thru the separation stage. By adding more starch water earlier, i have had the separation complete in 3 days!