Garden Master
AMK', remember that those "La Madera" seeds have genes from as many as 4 different C. maxima winter squash
We have to recognize your geographical location when thinking about hardening-off. Recognize that UV sunlight does not pass through glass or plastic easily. However, those puffy clouds rolling off that great Pacific Ocean - the UV rays burn their way right through those! Sunburn can happen even on a cool day. With plants, we tend to call it sunscald.
I have what I think of as a "sweet spot" in the backyard. It's on the southside of the house but there is a deciduous tree directly south of that "spot." The back stairs are directly to the west. I can slide a half sheet of plywood against the side of those stairs if there is very much wind from the west.
Most of the hardening-off time is before the tree has leaves. Eastern exposure really seems to help but light is limited by noon and as the sun moves into the western sky. Right up against the south wall but it's quite a comfortable location. I try not to be jealous of the plants
We have to recognize your geographical location when thinking about hardening-off. Recognize that UV sunlight does not pass through glass or plastic easily. However, those puffy clouds rolling off that great Pacific Ocean - the UV rays burn their way right through those! Sunburn can happen even on a cool day. With plants, we tend to call it sunscald.
I have what I think of as a "sweet spot" in the backyard. It's on the southside of the house but there is a deciduous tree directly south of that "spot." The back stairs are directly to the west. I can slide a half sheet of plywood against the side of those stairs if there is very much wind from the west.
Most of the hardening-off time is before the tree has leaves. Eastern exposure really seems to help but light is limited by noon and as the sun moves into the western sky. Right up against the south wall but it's quite a comfortable location. I try not to be jealous of the plants