Garden Master
Exactly. When I first got a FB account I was getting 40 friend requests a week, mostly from people I had went to school with but hadn't talked to or with for 20 yrs. I had lived in the same town as many of these people for nine years and they didn't look me up or even talk to me when they saw me out in the public, but suddenly they wanted to "friend" me?
I figured out pretty quickly that they just wanted to see how I had aged, as they kept asking for pictures of me. Shallow...meaningless....time wasting FB. I posted a message to old school chums that I had aged poorly, was overly fat and unattractive, that I had seen all their pics and they were definitely looking better than I was at this age, so they could rest easy. Never got another friend request from any old school mates after that.
I agree with you about the rewiring of the brains...just look at some of the comments under that vid where it's posted on YT. Incredibly offensive towards the fella in the vid and towards people who feel the same.
The other day I was posting on my own forum about finally getting to show my grandgirl the playhouse I had been building for her and someone said not to forget to video her first reaction to it. You kiddin???? I was too busy watching her face in real time to bother with a video camera!!! You can't get those moments back, not even with a's just not the same as real life.
I figured out pretty quickly that they just wanted to see how I had aged, as they kept asking for pictures of me. Shallow...meaningless....time wasting FB. I posted a message to old school chums that I had aged poorly, was overly fat and unattractive, that I had seen all their pics and they were definitely looking better than I was at this age, so they could rest easy. Never got another friend request from any old school mates after that.
I agree with you about the rewiring of the brains...just look at some of the comments under that vid where it's posted on YT. Incredibly offensive towards the fella in the vid and towards people who feel the same.
The other day I was posting on my own forum about finally getting to show my grandgirl the playhouse I had been building for her and someone said not to forget to video her first reaction to it. You kiddin???? I was too busy watching her face in real time to bother with a video camera!!! You can't get those moments back, not even with a's just not the same as real life.