Garden Master
Bee ... you have been reading/ listening to some feel good story regarding donkeys. I have more than 50 years of experience with quite a few neighborhood donkeys. I must say , give the donkey away asap as it will wake you up at 3am much worse than any 100 roosters crowing at daybreak. Want them to do any work... oh, I will think about it. As for guarding sheep ... a neighbor's donkey went through 3 fences, got into my flock and killed 7 lambs. My across the street neighbor raised sheep. He got a female donkey to guard his sheep against coyotes ... early one morning about a year later, that donkey killed 2 ewes as well as 9 lambs .Another male donkey came onto our pasture and almost killed one of my show geldings. Etc, etc. etc. . I hope that yours turns out better , If not, you have been forwarned.This one will be earning her keep in keeping the 'yotes and bears off the sheep as they rotate through our pastures. I wouldn't have an animal that was just for ornamentation. If she doesn't do the job, she's outta here. With her, she can eat the same feed at the sheep, lives longer than dogs, and doesn't require the training that dogs do.
Donkeys don't eat as much as horses, can thrive better on our brush and briers...that's their native feed...and they don't even drink as much as horses. They are hardier all the way around and they actually perform a valuable function on the a pinch we can also train her to pull, plow or give us a ride if needed. But, mostly she's here as a guardian animal.
If this intensive grazing method works as they say, by year three we won't even be buying much hay at all as we'll have stockpiled winter grazing.

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