Garden Master
I haven't heard of recent times regarding this bar b q... but at the old Mission San Louis Rey in Oceanside, Cal. (where my wife grew up ). The Spanish / native Indians and the rest of the parishenors held an annual bar b q with a burro as the guest of honor as the main course. Solved many an aching ear too.I don't mind folks saying "I told you so"....I do it often enough. A person can't live entirely on second hand you've seen so many times on BYC~whole slew of folks giving other people advice on things they've never tried on their own but they've read about them in a book, heard about their cousin's wife's preacher's sister-in-law who did it and this happened, and then there are those who got advice on a forum from someone else who tried it once and it didn't work out....but, by golly, if THEY did it and it didn't work out, it simply won't work for anyone else either.
I'm a person who doesn't mind trying things in my own back yard so I can give first hand experience on it and don't mind telling if it worked or if I ended up with egg on my face. That's information I can stand on and it's not heresy. It's mine and I own it, good or bad.