Garden Master
I always end up with a few volunteer sunflowers in my yard. The mice or chipmunks take them from the feeder and bury them. They are pretty either way. 
Yesterday I planted 7 double rows of Painted Mountain corn, 30 feet long. I planted Painted Mountain in 2014, on April 11, it started tasseling 39 days later on May 19. I picked and shelled it on July 12, 2014. So in 92 days, it went from planting to picking as dry corn for meal. I never made the meal, saving the corn for seed. In 3 months, I should be enjoying fresh cornbread from my own corn!
I might try planting peas in the rows where I walk when the corn has been planted for 30 or 40 days. If they aren't too shaded by the corn (it only gets 3-4 feet tall) it would give the peas time to grow until I pull the corn. Then the peas will have all summer to bear. Just thinking out loud....