Mother Nature produced poisonous snakes, toads, fish, plants, etc. that kill other animals and plants daily to survive. As well as the oceans . Try to drink Mother Nature's ocean saline water and see how long you will live. Yet, we take ocean water , evaporate the water and what is left is salt which you and I use every day. mankind learned how to use what nature provided then reproduce it to using the same chemical formula to make it cheaper for you and me to use for our benefit. Why don't you study chemistry and you will eventually find that Mother Nature has already been there , done that long before man ever thaught of making man-made products by copying her.A cup of water or anything for that matter, if you add a little poison, is still contaminated and will eventually with continued use and exposure kill or make sick.
They are chemicals designed to kill, period. If it will kill plants and trees then it will kill a human being and other life. Period.
Tell ya what..I will stop pushing to quit using these poisons when others stop pushing that its okay to use them because they are "safe" because it does not get in water "UNLESS" etc. or it is residual only at xx parts per xx. there's drift and runoff and groundwater that this infects.
I can't believe how ya'll kill those poor little dandelions. I love them! @pale towodi I made wine, jelly and tea from the flowers. Do you do the same?