Baymule's 2018 Garden


Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
north carolina
I have finally got started planting. I have planted Cherokee Purple and Mortgage Lifter tomatoes. I laid down cardboard, cut holes in it and planted the plants. Then I uses Marigold and my wagon to mulch over The cardboard.

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I found a teensy-tiny baby rabbit. I stomped it, picked it up and called Parker. I commanded him, Alligator! And tossed it in the air. Snap! His big teeth snapped shut, gulp and it was gone. The Rabbit War has commenced.

I pulled a lot of weeds, cleaning up more areas to plant.

This morning I pulled turnips and rutabagas to roast for our supper tonight. I am simmering the mixed greens now. I also picked the last of the mustard greens and put a bag in the freezer.

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It’s raining now.

and you wanted me to come down for easter..... bad baymule...



Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
oh trust me the clan has plans for her and parker...... those texas chapter leaders are ones not to mess with they have a alliance with the wild boar faction.
I've slaughtered a lot of wild hogs, LOL. Now I raise domestic pigs. I feel the need to hit the woods with a good rifle and go shoot something. Maybe I'll take a .22 and go pop bunnies. :lol:

Rhodie Ranch

Garden Master
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State, 8b
I thought of you yesterday. Bandito and I went up to the garden in the early afternoon, to check on the seedlings. 30 sec late, Bandito scrambles like mad and grabs a squirrel! It was screaming. I ran over there (about 10 ft) and screamed to "drop it". He did but his tooth had pierced the body and the squirrel died right then. I felt sick about it. We only have a few here, and they don't bother me like the hoards did in San Jose. I buried it in the garden.



Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I am so behind on my garden this year! We had a late spring, with several unseasonal frosts. I congratulated myself for being late, because if I had set out plants and planted seeds, they all would have died. But when I did set out plants, a lot of them died. I haven't planted near what I have in the past several years. But on a good note, I have some nice onions, carrots, turnips, rutabaga, squash, and some volunteer tomatoes that come from tomato scraps thrown to the chickens and the chicken manure being used on the garden. I do have some other tomatoes, but there are a lot of holes where what I set out died.

I have only myself to blame. I severely overloaded myself this spring with things that had to be done NOW.

The Cornish Cross were an experiment to see if it was anything I would ever do again. Yeah, I will, but maybe not FIFTY at one time. With no plucker.....all hand picked. We just finished with the last ones on Monday and it took 2 days to get them all cut up for the freezer, can broth and can the backs and necks for the dogs.

The Hereford hogs are coming along nicely. Once we finished the Pig Palace and pen, caring for them became REAL easy. We'll take them to slaughter in mid July. But I was up to my neck in pigs right when I needed to be in my garden!

This only took two weekends, it was over quick. But it was another project that took me away from my garden.

Why I do these things to my self, I don't know. We may not work at jobs any more, but we sure do work here.

We still have to finish weeding the garden, lay cardboard and mulch over it. I want to cover the entire garden.

We still have to butcher all those Delawares that I despise, there is 12 of them and it will take me several days to can the meat and can broth.

Also on the list is working on the feed and tack room so we can get it spray insulated.

Almost forgot, wild plum season is here, so every other day we'll be haunting the fence rows, picking cherry sized wild plums. Since I have a 3 year supply of plum jelly from last year, I am going to can the juice in quart jars for fruit juice.

We kept the two little grand daughters today and picked 4 huge zucchini. I peeled, seeded and chopped them up, simmered in grape juice until translucent, then put them in the dehydrator for zucchini candy. The 3 year old loves it. We will keep all 3 grand daughters for the 3 day weekend, so will make more zucchini candy, zucchini-grape fruit strips and zucchini bread.

Going to work in the garden tomorrow.