Garden Master
So they are?!Haha! Oh Mary, you crack me up! Didn't think pigs were that loud...![]()
Seed, is she telling me the truth?
So they are?!Haha! Oh Mary, you crack me up! Didn't think pigs were that loud...![]()
Glad you got a good laugh at my expense.Haha! Oh Mary, you crack me up! Didn't think pigs were that loud...![]()
Thanks, I'll believe you and not Thistle.Hogs are screaming machines. Only time they are quiet is when they are eating or sleeping. Breeding house is deafening in AM as all the shows screaming for feed. Yes, limit fed as you didn’t want fat sows.
I'm tougher than you think.Mary, you might want to put some ear muffs on and if you or anyone here may be sqeemish or ? of life and death issues in real life be fore warned and not read the following ....Years ago a farmer braught in a HUGE ( largest boar that I had ever seen before or since), very sick boar with a very BIG ATTITUDE to the University VeterianryMedicine facility, since his Vet. could not get near it to treat it. 2Vets and 5 senior Vet students could not sedate it due to it's fat as well as it's horrible attitude and war screams getting ready to kill anything in sight. Then due to it's medical history it was decided that this boar needed to be put down and was approved by the owner. They called me at the Vet. Pathology Dept. and to bring my captive bolt pistol to the unloading dock. ( a gun simalar to a .45 pistal that shoots a metal captive bolt about 3" into the brain that is propelled with a .22 blank ). Normally, I could drop a bull over a ton, or a large boar with one shot but this one took 5 shots point blank onto it's forehead and into the brain with no other effect other than even more determined hell bent screams like an ambulance with sirens blaring in a tunnel and intent on destroying the owner's truck. The 6th shot ... the boar dropped dead like a rock. After necropsy, the Vets. determined that all 6 shots of the captive bolt did hit it's brain and each one should have killed it instantly. Your guess is as good as mine as to why it didn't.