Garden Master
Do you West Coasters have experience with this little guy’s behavior?
You will see from the map that they live inland quite a distance but that is almost entirely South of the ID/NV and WA/OR boundaries. So, they shouldn’t be up here. Except that the range extends into western Canada on the coast. Twelve month residents although it’s noted that they “wander” some during Winter.
This isn’t Winter and 150-300 miles north of their range. I am familiar with most other small birds that they somewhat resemble but these are especially tiny. They hide under plants – hop around and not all that easily frightened into flying.
I have seen them about this time of year, in 3 of the most recent years. Flocks? No, maybe a pair but only 1 this year on 4 different occasions over 5 days.

Bushtit Overview, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Bushtits are sprightly, social songbirds that twitter as they fly weakly between shrubs and thickets in western North America. Almost always found in lively flocks, they move constantly, often hanging upside down to pick at insects or spiders on the undersides of leaves. Flocks of Bushtits mix...

This isn’t Winter and 150-300 miles north of their range. I am familiar with most other small birds that they somewhat resemble but these are especially tiny. They hide under plants – hop around and not all that easily frightened into flying.
I have seen them about this time of year, in 3 of the most recent years. Flocks? No, maybe a pair but only 1 this year on 4 different occasions over 5 days.