Read NYBoy's signature, it might provide useful guidance or at least make you feel a little better.
I think you still have options. You could put in your own fence on your side of the property line if you wish but that's expense and work you might not want to do. I'm not sure that would make you happy at the end of the day anyway.
You could plant shrubbery on your side that will shade out the area between the fence and your property to keep weeds, brush, and briars from taking over and being ugly. Yeah, more work and expense on your part, I'm not sure how you handle pruning on the fence side, but it could be something a lot easier to live with.
As bad as the feelings are between you and them, and as unreasonable as they have been, I think I'd contact the city attorney and ask them how you are supposed to handle weeds and other growth on their 1' piece of property on your side of the fence, especially when you don't want them trespassing on your property to maintain it. Get it in writing. This cannot be an unusual situation. When I lived in suburbia and had that situation I just maintained my side and the neighbors maintained theirs, regardless of the property line. But you don't have that kind of neighbors.
I understand you are tired, you just want this to be over. You've reached a point where you thought it would be over and you are feeling frustration. You have a right to feel frustrated. You've reached the end of one phase but life is never over. There is always the next phase. Regroup, take deep breath, and decide what you want to happen next. Look for ways you can live with the situation instead of looking for ways to continue the fight. At the same time, prepare yourself because with them, you may still have issues.
I'm really sorry you have neighbors like that. Most of the time dealing with people is a good thing, but not with all people.
I would put in a green coated wire fence on the property line. Then plant with dense quick growing evergreens. The wire will keep out the dogs and greens make it look nice.
My dad once told me before making any insurance claim, think if it is worth years of higher insurance payments. My friend Kristine would put in a claim for every thing, her insurance dropped her. Her new policy is much more money.