Garden Addicted
Don't I know it! When I groomed(30 + years), I got sooo tired of shih tzu day (when almost all my grooms were that breed), or poodle day, schnauzer day.....Well "let" is a strong word. The ones we groomed were mannerly in that they didn't bite, but sitting on your paws when you're 100+ pounds is not especially helpful. >_> It takes 2-3 people to carry a dog pretending to be dead into a tub because dead weight is soooo much heavier than even a dog planting their feet.
We didn't get terribly many of them in though. The most common LGDs were Great Pyrenees in this area. It's a treat to get anything that's not a shihtzu, schnauzer or llhasa though.

I had more trouble with the smaller dogs then the big ones.
There were a few big dogs, a few over 150 lbs, that I trained to lay down on one side so I could shave or comb out, then turn them around to lay on thier other side to groom.
I did several Pyranees, but they usually got shaved during the summertime. We had outside kennels and we would take the really large dogs out there to bathe.
The ones that just got combed out and blow dryed were fun......the hair would be flying everywhere and it looked like it was snowing.

My favorites to groom were the poodles.

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