Buford T. Justice Baymule’s LGD


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I got pictures of Buford in stalking mode. He started doing this a couple of months ago. His target? Sheba. They play, run, tackle each other and Sheba goes for his legs. She even runs up under him to bite his front leg. He can’t reach her to bite her. Lots of growling from Sheba, she’s quite a talker.


I was walking down the driveway and saw Buford next to me, eyes fixed on Sheba who was playing through the fence with Carson. Buford placed each foot slowly and deliberately. Head down, body low slung, deadly quiet. They are playing, but it serves twofold, Sheba is teaching Buford how to kill a predator and the practice is fun.


As he got closer, they both broke and ran to mock fight and play. I’m glad I got pictures!



Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
With the loss of Sentry a couple of weeks ago, Sheba and Buford are having to work a little harder. It’s lambing time, 2 ewes have lambed so far, more coming up in December. Sheba is perfect with lambing ewes. Buford has been a little confused about these scrawny things suddenly showing up. I hope I can catch some ewes lambing so I can bring Buford to watch under my supervision,

I have to brag on Buford. I have a bottle baby now. I’m leaving him with his mom and sister so he can cuddle up at night when it is cold. Plus yesterday I saw him stealing milk, so that’s a plus. Yesterday morning I fed him first, then started making rounds, including letting the young ewes out on the field and walking around with them. I fed other sheep, hay, water and forgot all about the bottle I stuck in my back pocket until I realized it wasn’t there. Great.

I went in Cooper’s pen. Buford and Sheba were laying out under the shade of a tree. Buford came galloping up and I thought he wanted in the pen with me. Nope. Ok so I brushed Cooper and spent a little with him. Buford laid down outside the pen, waiting on me. He walked off, turned back and looked at me. I went through the gate, he walked off a little further, looking back to see if I was following. I always tell the dogs, “Whatcha got? Show me!” And he led me to the tree. There on the ground was the bottle! I don’t know which dog found it and carried it to a safe place, but it was not chewed up, not even a tooth mark on it. Clearly Buford was showing me the bottle!

I picked it up, Buford grinned and wriggled in pleasure. I heaped praises on him, petted him and Sheba. I was so impressed that not only did the dogs find the bottle, knowing it was mine because it had my scent on it, but carried it to safety. Buford asking me to follow him so he could show it to me was just over the top. He is so smart.



Garden Addicted
Jun 9, 2018
Reaction score
Vermont, USA (zone 4)
With the loss of Sentry a couple of weeks ago, Sheba and Buford are having to work a little harder. It’s lambing time, 2 ewes have lambed so far, more coming up in December. Sheba is perfect with lambing ewes. Buford has been a little confused about these scrawny things suddenly showing up. I hope I can catch some ewes lambing so I can bring Buford to watch under my supervision,

I have to brag on Buford. I have a bottle baby now. I’m leaving him with his mom and sister so he can cuddle up at night when it is cold. Plus yesterday I saw him stealing milk, so that’s a plus. Yesterday morning I fed him first, then started making rounds, including letting the young ewes out on the field and walking around with them. I fed other sheep, hay, water and forgot all about the bottle I stuck in my back pocket until I realized it wasn’t there. Great.

I went in Cooper’s pen. Buford and Sheba were laying out under the shade of a tree. Buford came galloping up and I thought he wanted in the pen with me. Nope. Ok so I brushed Cooper and spent a little with him. Buford laid down outside the pen, waiting on me. He walked off, turned back and looked at me. I went through the gate, he walked off a little further, looking back to see if I was following. I always tell the dogs, “Whatcha got? Show me!” And he led me to the tree. There on the ground was the bottle! I don’t know which dog found it and carried it to a safe place, but it was not chewed up, not even a tooth mark on it. Clearly Buford was showing me the bottle!

I picked it up, Buford grinned and wriggled in pleasure. I heaped praises on him, petted him and Sheba. I was so impressed that not only did the dogs find the bottle, knowing it was mine because it had my scent on it, but carried it to safety. Buford asking me to follow him so he could show it to me was just over the top. He is so smart.

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That is so cool!

Reminds me of a story once where a man lost his arm to some equipment malfunction out in the field. He ran back to the house to call for help, and when the EMS arrived, they searched for the missing arm and found the gentleman's arm on the ground in a field behind the house with his dog standing guard over it. They expected that the dog had laid claim to it, but dog backed away from the severed arm inviting them to take it. Arm was undamaged and I believe was able to be successfully reattached at the hospital. Good dog!


Deeply Rooted
Jul 22, 2024
Reaction score
Ohh you guys are making me tear up between the two stories. Dogs are our angles. Our dogs have so much to share and many ways to help in their own way.
My big collie always sits by me when gardening . When I need to get up from kneeling on the ground , she will come running over to me and dig her feet in so I can push on her back to get up. I don’t know how she learned that but she is always a big help. When I drop something she will pick it up and hand it to me or if I loose something outside she will look and look until she finds it. So willing to plz. Can’t imagine life without my dogs. Play time is a big deal and it’s a great way to enhance their trust in us and improve new skills .


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Ohh you guys are making me tear up between the two stories. Dogs are our angles. Our dogs have so much to share and many ways to help in their own way.
My big collie always sits by me when gardening . When I need to get up from kneeling on the ground , she will come running over to me and dig her feet in so I can push on her back to get up. I don’t know how she learned that but she is always a big help. When I drop something she will pick it up and hand it to me or if I loose something outside she will look and look until she finds it. So willing to plz. Can’t imagine life without my dogs. Play time is a big deal and it’s a great way to enhance their trust in us and improve new skills .
What a wonderful companion and helper. Dogs understand us a lot more than we understand them. My dogs know each others names. I can ask “Where’s _______? And they look in that direction or go find the one I’m looking for. Your collie is so smart to figure out that you need help and she’s there for you.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
@Shades-of-Oregon , dogs Are our angels!!
Youngest DD has been feeding the horses 1x/day while I heal and she takes Eva out for company.
She also plays "Suicides" with Eva, which is what DD did for warmups for volleyball, you run to one spot, stop and turn, run to the 2nd spot, etc.
So, when DD's drive over to do dinner at my place, Eva sees her coming! :love


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I always put something yummy over the dogs kibble. I keep canned dog food for when I don’t have anything fixed for them. Yesterday I mixed the canned dog food with their kibble. I fed Carson on the back porch then went to feed Sheba and Buford.

Sheba sat quickly, none of her usual thinking about it or lollygagging around. She stared at me until I said take it, then she dug in.

Buford also sat quickly, didn’t even have to tell him. I put his pan down, which put me almost eye to him. He fixed his gaze on me, waiting for those magic words. He looked down at his pan, eyes locked back on mine, licked my nose, eyes to pan, eyes back to mine, licked my nose, eyes to pan, eyes back to mine, licked my nose, eyes to pan, eyes back to mine, licked my nose…… by this time I was laugh so hard, I said take it and he lost no time doing so.

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