Read somewhere to use equal parts manure/compost, peat and grit for carrot soil.
So, here's my version and it fills the huge planter completely.
Hmm. I'll remove a couple of inches and then add the carrot seeds. Hope they grow long in here.
I also got 10 more of the huge planters. 17.49, plus 20% off. If they were 5 each, I would of gotten them all!
If the hostas do well in the others, I'll probably put each in it's own or 2 in each. Idk.
@secuono Mine grow just fine out in the garden in zone 8b. There are variegated, bicolor leaf varieties and pink & white blooms.
They bloom in early spring , April . Super easy care, slow growing. Don’t have to trim that often, maybe every 5 years.
Plant in partial shade , need early morning full sun. They are a great shrub. Once established they are drought resistant.
Good Luck
Got almost all the plants indoors. The hibiscus claims it can stay out, but it looks like , so, might bring it in, too. The ginseng(?) flower plant has to come in tonight.
Shade hedge cuttings. Idk where tf to plant them. House is 100% full sun, wrapped by gravel.
Polkadot hedges.
Lupines. Definitely not easy plants...and can't be out in winter. Lost one completely.
This stupid thing hates me, period. Two new bright leaves from being kicked outside and allowed to be flooded for several days.
My asparagus ferns. One is about 17yrs old, other about 4-5yrs. They explode when out on the porch, then slowly fade back indoors in winter.... The mess!
idk, husband's plants. Suddenly started to fall apart, maybe they'll come back now that they're inside?
Water hythania is tropical. Needs high light and it'll just barely survive over winter to be out again.
Two taro inside. Tags claim they can stay out, but they've died in the past.