Garden Master
Some things may be worth fighting over and dieing over.
A plant breeder protecting his life's work and not allowing John Doe citizen to just bin run seed, is more than right and fair to me. A government that makes sellers register what they are selling since it has an impact on everyone, seems reasonable and fair to me. To allow someone to take my llife's work without as much as a thank you, does not seem right or fair to me. You buy the right to plant that seed and sell the products as commodities. You did not buy the right to use in a breeding situation. That cost is much more than the $1/packet you buy at our local green house, Walmart, etc. IF anyone should be militant, it's the breeder companies/individuals that should go militant on the seed savers.................... Want to save see, breed your own with your genetics ONLY, use open pedigrees, or pay the tech fees. Let me know when you have developed a superior line, so we can bin run it......
If people don't like not being able to use someone else's work, start your own breeder company. Don't even start with me on how it "naturally" pollinated your self contained plants as soybeans, canola, tomatoes, etc...........Doesn't work that way and any intellegent, fair minded person knows that.
A plant breeder protecting his life's work and not allowing John Doe citizen to just bin run seed, is more than right and fair to me. A government that makes sellers register what they are selling since it has an impact on everyone, seems reasonable and fair to me. To allow someone to take my llife's work without as much as a thank you, does not seem right or fair to me. You buy the right to plant that seed and sell the products as commodities. You did not buy the right to use in a breeding situation. That cost is much more than the $1/packet you buy at our local green house, Walmart, etc. IF anyone should be militant, it's the breeder companies/individuals that should go militant on the seed savers.................... Want to save see, breed your own with your genetics ONLY, use open pedigrees, or pay the tech fees. Let me know when you have developed a superior line, so we can bin run it......

If people don't like not being able to use someone else's work, start your own breeder company. Don't even start with me on how it "naturally" pollinated your self contained plants as soybeans, canola, tomatoes, etc...........Doesn't work that way and any intellegent, fair minded person knows that.