Garden Master
Red, great question. What plant breeders do to assure purity in corn is to cover the silks with a paper bag, use another bag over tassel right before it sheds. Shake the tassel, catch the pollen. Place pollen bag over silk, shake, then replace the silk bag. There are many easy, simple ways to protect yourself which speaks to motives of those that had fields contaminated. Whole fields being contaminated just doesn't happen without man helping. Since you are growing sweet corn, you can easily pick out 100% sweet corn seed versus sweet corn pollinated by field corn. So let it air dry, throw away the cross kernels if any.
Law of nature is corn pollen will move. No one can change that law. In trying to keep seed pure, welcome to the breeders nightmare.
And the answer to the OP's question is NO.
Law of nature is corn pollen will move. No one can change that law. In trying to keep seed pure, welcome to the breeders nightmare.
And the answer to the OP's question is NO.