Caustic chemicals


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
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Some people protest the use of chemicals in Ag. Ok. Now I ask this.

Do you use soaps/shampoos that break down slowly over months and leave your house through the sewage or septic tank?

What chemicals do you use to clean toilet, tub, clothes, etc?

What chemicals do you use to kill insects?

When you use chemicals like vinegars, salts, etc, do you know how long it takes to break down?

When you put gallons of chemicals through your septic (into ground water) or city sewage, how is that consistent?

Thank you for allowing me to rant and rage. Just for your consideration.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
Very good questions Seedcorn. While we rant about big ag, we go to Wally World and load up on products just as bad. I'll join you on this rant.

I am chemically sensitive and cannot use a lot of commercial products. Shampoo-I use mostly baking soda. Sometimes I have to use "the blue stuff" to keep my hair its brilliant nuclear glow in the dark white. :cool: But it is made from indigo, which is plant based. :hu

Bathroom chemicals. Practically zero to none. ACV is a great cleaner, breaks down without doing chemical damage. I live in town, so on city water/sewage.

Laundry, I use the scent free kind. It still has ingredients that I cannot pronounce, but I gotta get the clothes clean and dripping water through a basket of ashes and saving animal fat somehow does not appeal to me right now. :/ I have to hold my breath when I go down the soap aisle at the store.

Now let me take it a bit further. Scented products. :sick Air fresheners. Really? Read the label, don't get on skin, don't get in eyes, don't ingest--see a doctor immediately or call poison control. But take a deep breath, suck it into your lungs and happily exclaim how fresh and clean it smells. Anybody see anything wrong with this? :he

Scents and smells are added to many products to the point that the soap you shower with smells like a spring day! Your shampoo and conditioner announces that you are a coconut head, your deodorant shouts baby powder, and then slap on some perfume or after shave lotion and to someone like me who can't stand one, much less all those smells, you stink like a pile of rotting flowers 3 days after the funeral. :smack There are some stinky people that make my face feel like it is on fire, my tongue tingles and my throat burns. :rant

And I don't use chemical insecticides on my garden. Why would I go to all this trouble to grow fresh vegetables and then poison them and myself? I don't want to eat pesticides. Spray the chemical of your choice on an insect. Watch it squirm and die. Then why not take a swig of it yourself? YUM! :tongue

I don't want GMO's in my food. GMO's are the patented answer to feeding the world! If GMO's are so good for us then why are they not labeled so we can rush to the store and load up on Frakenfood? No thank you.

Rant over. :rainbow-sun


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
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Jared77 said:
Seedcorn sometimes I wonder if we're related :D
I would never wish that on anyone. I tell my kids they were shared genetics... :lol:


Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
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north carolina
It is amazing what we do pour into the ground without thinking about day in and day out.
You should really read the labels on every product in your house, you will be shocked.
I am a big label reader, if I do not k ow what it is it gets googled.


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
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WV, Zone 6B
Good food for thought, for sure. Anything you put on your skin or breathe in, those fake scents and other additives, they are absorbed into your bloodstream and are run through your liver. No wonder so many people have allergies...our livers are on toxic overload. And yes, where do they end up after they go down the drain...

I can't handle scents anymore either, Bay. The laundry/cleaning aisle at the store gives me an asthma attack and makes my eyes burn. :sick


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
Feel better Bay? I'm with you on odors.

GMO's are not better for you. They allow for much less chemicals to be used. That is good for us. The root worm technology allows farmers to have protected seed against that insect but don't harm earthworms, nematodes, etc. round-up was a cleaning agent that they found out killed plants with no active carryover. I get the idea of not liking genes from other plants induced into other plants. Believe it or not, I'd never try to get people to agree with it but to understand the reasons behind it. It's about choices.

Complain about farmers using ounces per acre while they flush gallons per month into ground.......:barnie

ACV is caustic at what level? Half life is? Same questions for dish, hair, body, clothes soaps. Just because it is natural doesn't make it safe. Most chemicals are refined from plants with a known make-up and concentrations.

Don't get me started on the human waste products we add to water..... :cool:


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
seedcorn said:
Don't get me started on the human waste products we add to water..... :cool:
Hey! Why don't we get started on pharmaceuticals? All the pills people take, and it passes through and they wee it out, flush it away and it goes where? And those who run to the Doc every time they sneeze for fistfuls of antibiotics? Where do all those antibiotics wind up? Wait for winds up in our WATER!!

Back to bashing big ag......and the antibiotics they feed the animals to keep them from getting sick. Talk about preventative medicine! Really? Then the animals poo and wee and the liquid lagoons of masses of animal waste filled with antibiotics leach into the water tables. Recycling at it's finest! :lol: Maybe we could just skip the high priced Doctors and just drink the water! :lol:

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
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Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Well, when I was younger I poured on the scents and I used Sevin on things and used Dawn dish soap and all the rest, but when I turned about 30 I had a bunch of medical problems. No name for any of it, but unhealthy and my hair was turning gray. A doctor told me it was chemicals. Over the years I would use something and have a reaction, so now I buy unscented laundry soap, no perfume, no carpet fresher or air freshener and use "natural" scents for cleaning, but still use dish soap, but not Dawn. I was having a reaction to it. No chemicals on garden. I have no problem with farmers and chemicals, but have been told that wells in Kansas were ruined by nitrates from farmers. When I was about 20 I saw something on TV. This was about 1975 or so. The show said that the food we ate would be grown in the future by big companies that owned the seeds and owned the chemicals that went on the fields and that the chemicals would make the medicine that you would take that was owned by the same people that owned the insurance companies. It would be big companies, bad food, bad medicine and get sick and die. I have my own ideas why this is. I do not rant and rave about going green, protect mother earth or anything like that. I just want to know what I eat and have the choice to find things without chemicals and not GMO. Other people can eat all they want of chemicals and put all the perfume on they want. I just hold my nose and do not breathe down the soap aisle. I really made a big mistake back then when I was 20. I told my dad about all this and started reading Organic Gardening and I wanted to turn our 5 acres into a nice farm with goats and chickens, but my dad wanted to move, so we moved and moved. I moved a lot after getting married. My DH and I had 10 acres without electricity and planned on growing food and having animals, but it did not work out. I guess I should fix it. If I want to know where my food comes from then just quit being lazy and grow most of what I eat and it might happen yet. If I go buy something then I do read labels and if it has fructose corn syrup or sugar, I pick sugar. If it has artificial sugar or sugar, I pick sugar. If it has soy or olive oil, I pick olive oil. I pick organic milk or raw, I pick butter not margarine. I think about what is sprayed on fresh vegetables and fruit, but when I look at a bread label, I forget where the wheat came from. I know about corn because it is in my face all the time that the corn is ruined. There is no use being upset about it really. There are good chemicals and there are good medicines and bad. It just depends on who needs it. Antibiotics are great when needed and pain killers when you are having your tooth pulled, so I cannot say who I am upset with. Probably myself for not becoming self-sufficient when I was 20 and knew I should own land and have it paid for. :duc


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
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WV, Zone 6B cider vinegar? It is all-natural and safe, if that is the ACV you are talking about. I drink 2 tbsp in a glass of water daily. Pickles...on greens, etc. Good for cleaning all kinds of stuff. It's only lowers (acidifies) pH. It would be diluted to virtually nothing in that much water. Or is there another ACV I missed here? :hu

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