Garden Master
Some people protest the use of chemicals in Ag. Ok. Now I ask this.
Do you use soaps/shampoos that break down slowly over months and leave your house through the sewage or septic tank?
What chemicals do you use to clean toilet, tub, clothes, etc?
What chemicals do you use to kill insects?
When you use chemicals like vinegars, salts, etc, do you know how long it takes to break down?
When you put gallons of chemicals through your septic (into ground water) or city sewage, how is that consistent?
Thank you for allowing me to rant and rage. Just for your consideration.
Do you use soaps/shampoos that break down slowly over months and leave your house through the sewage or septic tank?
What chemicals do you use to clean toilet, tub, clothes, etc?
What chemicals do you use to kill insects?
When you use chemicals like vinegars, salts, etc, do you know how long it takes to break down?
When you put gallons of chemicals through your septic (into ground water) or city sewage, how is that consistent?
Thank you for allowing me to rant and rage. Just for your consideration.