Attractive To Bees
I was going to till in what is remaining of last year's lettuce and late germinating red romaine. Until I seen the price of $5.98 per plant at rural king. That changed my mind pretty quickly
. How in the world do people justify paying $6.00 for a lettuce seedling? It still has to grow and be cared for - crazy talk!
I wonder that very same thing when I go to Lowes or Home Depot and see people with buggy fulls of Bonnie Plants. You can by a whole head of lettuce for $1.50-$2.00 or you can by a leaf lettuce plant for $6. Broccoli and cauliflower is the basically the same price point. I've even told people that if you go to the county north of us, which is a farming county, you can by those same plants for 1/3 the price, they just kinda talk for a minute and then roll off to the counter to buy what is in their buggy. Stupidy is running rampant.