This is the first one at our little 'mom & pop' feed store in Dinwiddie. I'm hope that we have a good turnout. I'll try and take some pictures (and use up a little more of that extra posting space)
Don't bet more than you can loose ... I've got NO more space to put a new bird. Unless I want to end up with carriers stacked all over the house - I'm just going to have to wait till Gilmanor.
I'll be coming home with some chickens!! After some discussion with the fiancee, we decided to go ahead buy some. I'm wanting specific breeds ('lorps, delewares, orpingtons). If no one has any of those then I'll just search elsewhere from hatcheries or on craigslist.
Chicken swaps are notorious for speading chicken deseases to one's own flock. I wouldn't join in unless I had some serious biosecurity quaranteen available.
Stoneygarden, did you come to the swap??? Did you say hi???
It was a pretty small turnout but everyone who brought something to sell went home with empty cages. And everyone seemed to have a really good time meeting and talking with folks. It was REALLY cool of the folks at Hargraves to provide Hardee's biscuits and coffee!! I think that with more advertising for the next one(s) it will grow each time. Who knows - maybe in a few years people will be saying, "Hey, are you going to Gilmanor or Hargraves?"
And guess what Marshall - Not a single new bird at my house.
I was there canesisters. I was getting ready to leave with I thought I heard someone talking about easy garden and heard your handle come up. Do you have short curly hair? It was next to some rhode island reds. Everyone was talking about how big the rooster was.
I was wearing a blue zip up hoody. I have black rimmed glasses and my fiancee is a little on the round side.
Sorry I didn't stop to chat, the fiancee was trying to hurry me off to another feed store (Heretick Feed & Seed in Petersburg). I ended up getting a dozen buff orpingtons.
They are now set up in my spare room in a huge rubber maid container with a chicken wire covered hole in the lid.