Deeply Rooted
I know better, but I have no pictures of this plant. Please forgive me... I will get a photo when I can, but it is at my mom's house, so it may be a couple of weeks till I can get over there. She moved into a wooded trailer park about a year ago and has a huge maple tree outside her door. It looks like someone tried to make a small garden around this tree. There is periwinkle (Vinca minor), I think it is. And this other plant. It grows up the maple tree, grabbing into the tree like english ivy does. It was kinda bushy when she first moved in, and more then halfway up the tree. I cut it back, but it keeps growing back, up the tree. I think the base of it is woody, but I will have to double check that. It is green all year, but I don't remember seeing any berries on it. I was thinking mistletoe, but I have never see it before that I know of and the pictures I find online are not helpful. I was hoping someone has some ideas, seeing as it climbs like it does it should narrow down the possible list. My mom lives in southern NJ too.