
Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I am so puzzled by my garden this year. Last year I put out cow manure that was delivered and supposed to be about 1 year old and had HUGE everything. Pole beans just so tall and I picked and picked. The leaves were huge too. My squash was higher than my waist and I had cucumber plants like I never saw before, so this year I had a big pile of that composted cow manure left over and thought i had a gold mine, so I spread that out and turned in the ground. My beans are so short and not many leaves and I have been waiting for them to get taller just thinking too early yesterday noticed beans down on the bottom. I never picked beans off such puny plants. My squash and cucumbers went in late because of the cold weather, so I understand that and my tomatoes and peppers were started in my greenhouse and that can be me causing problems there. My peppers again are not growing, just little short plants but full of banana peppers. My onions are doing okay with weeds, but I put in peas and they should have loved the cool weather and rain, but they also look short and stunted. My kale and collards have pale leaves

DD this year got cow manure from the same place, only she got 1 year and her kale is dark green, her lettuce was huge and her bean plants tall. Is there any benefit to the 2 year old composted cow manure and just saying all this made me thing of something, did I tie up nitrogen? Did I put too much on and too much brown? I did something like that one year with compost that was not all the way composted down and things did not grow good until almost fall and then they just took off growing.

I am wondering what is best, to spread what is left in my pile of composted cow manure this fall and till it in? Get fresh next spring, which the farm is called aged and about 1 year?


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
I wouldn't think that there would be a problem with manure that has aged for 2 years, @Gardening with Rabbits . Some plant nutrients would take a good deal of time to leach away. Nitrogen would be lost to the air and that is what plants need for growth. It's an important part of chlorophyll.

There are lots of factors that encourage/discourage plant growth. Weather is an important one. Pests are certainly one. My garden friends the ladybug larva are showing up. I can hardly pick up something from the ground without finding one of the tiny, vicious-looking things on it. Yay -- go get those aphids!

I was just reading about the current gardening situation in the Denver area. Gardeners there are beginning to harvest zucchini. I could drop my hat and likely cover a zucchini plant with it in my garden. Just about the same situation with my cucumbers. And yet, they are also picking raspberries just like we are! My reasoning on this: Different plants have different responses to differences in the weather.


Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I wouldn't think that there would be a problem with manure that has aged for 2 years, @Gardening with Rabbits . Some plant nutrients would take a good deal of time to leach away. Nitrogen would be lost to the air and that is what plants need for growth. It's an important part of chlorophyll.

There are lots of factors that encourage/discourage plant growth. Weather is an important one. Pests are certainly one. My garden friends the ladybug larva are showing up. I can hardly pick up something from the ground without finding one of the tiny, vicious-looking things on it. Yay -- go get those aphids!

I was just reading about the current gardening situation in the Denver area. Gardeners there are beginning to harvest zucchini. I could drop my hat and likely cover a zucchini plant with it in my garden. Just about the same situation with my cucumbers. And yet, they are also picking raspberries just like we are! My reasoning on this: Different plants have different responses to differences in the weather.

I have noticed a lot of ladybugs in my garden too. My squash plants do look good and no hat would cover them. My cucumbers are starting to look good. I gave DD 2 tomato plants and her plants are bigger than mine, more leaves I guess. I have a lot of tomatoes coming, at least cherry. The kale and collards where I put them, I put a lot of this compost there thinking I would have the biggest kale ever and just shocking to me when I have kale every year dark green and more than I can eat and hardly do anything to them. We did have a strange spring for us. I am getting raspberries but my plants suffered from the heat last year. The canes for next year look good. My blackberries are looking really good.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Tea at hand, Malt o Meal in the bowl. Shoulda had it eaten by now but I was peeling veggies that went in a pot for chicken broth and starting my first load of laundry.

Those clothes will have to be hung on the lines under the deck roof because the back lawn needs mowing this morning. No problem doubling them up there since it will be another HOT day.

Air Conditioning this afternoon ... :)



Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Oolong tea, English muffin, Philadelphia cream cheese, grapes, and a banana ... did I just cover 3 continents with breakfast?

@flowerbug 's comment about me accidentally dialling 988 while frozen in the lazyboy prompted a 45 minute search for what mental health services are provided on a federal level. Quickly became nearly lost in the stats for youth substance abuse and depression. That should have been the expected rabbit hole that I could fall down - statistics. Of course, that was a little depressing in and of itself ;).

Well, I honestly wasn't sure that the federal gov had anything other than stats and decisions on grants for mental health programs. So that was a little revealing.

BTW, I do try to have 30 minutes of physical exercise each day beyond the mental struggle with Wordle :). It might be a little difficult with temperatures running up over 100 , this week. No, I can't feel justified in counting time spent pulling a hose around the yard - hope that I won't be disturbing the neighbors if I start at 4am but, what can you do??
