

Garden Master
Apr 18, 2014
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Lower Hudson Valley, New York
i had a friend who made her own glass beads and jewelry (i'm not sure what she is doing now, it's been years since we've talked) and i heard enough stories from her about on-line retail that i'd not likely do very good at that sort of thing at all.

in general i've always been very leery of turning a hobby into a business - i think it can take the fun out of it - if you're not careful...
It takes the fun out of it if you even keep it as a hobby (like I do) and just want to recoup some of the money you spent on things you don't want anymore. And it actually takes the fun out of it in BOTH directions, in that doing it makes you feel terrible and NOT doing it makes you feel terrible. People tell you to just ignore the jerks and assholes in your life, but, the moment you try and sell something online, you quickly see that nearly EVERYONE is a jerk and an asshole (or, at least, everyone who is interested in buying anything). Being treated fairly isn't good enough anymore, most of them want to be treated like God. It's gone from "the customer is always right" to "the seller is always wrong".

Then you must be aware of Fire Mountain Gems in Grants Pass OR. My mother used to order from them, and she and I went on a tour of their facilities.
Very familiar, I have them hyperlinked to my taskbar.

Though I don't buy much from them anymore. Pretty much all of their stuff IS that Chinese mass glut material, so of no use to me (and the few things in there I could use tend to be from periods where the makers hadn't figured things out right yet, so what was produced was useless, like the "phase I" chevrons.

Also, unless the item falls into one of their super sales (or the get rid of inventory category where everything goes down to a dollar a unit), most of it is really overpriced as well, especially findings (all the bit of metal and string you need to turn the beads into jewelry.)

Ironically, while I have no interest in what Fire Mountain has NOW, I have a DEEP interest in what they had about twenty years ago, specifically a type of Fimo bead they were carrying that I deeply loved, and am now finding it impossible to find ANY of, in ANY design (it's disappeared so thoroughly that, if I didn't have a piece of one I saved from back then, I'd seriously wonder if I hadn't imagined them in the first place.)

There actually IS still a listing for a more modern type of Fimo bead I use still up (at the dollar a pack level), but by this point, the only set they have left is the football one, and I don't get a lot of customers for that.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
I have moved back to the zest and licorice root for my between-breakfast herbal tea for the morning. DW found some organic mandarin oranges from Cal, yesterday. So the season has begun.

Harvesting from the 4 anise hyssop and the one lemon verbena had to be put on hold because they need strength for the Winter months. Outdoors through that time, the hyssop leaves can be stripped soon. Back in the greenhouse for those months, maybe I should hold off on the final verbena harvest.

Thinking that I like catnip dried and not fresh, yuck, I decided to try the drying for lemon balm. There is plenty but drying didn't do the trick either :(. Oh ok ... I'm dependent on supply chains for the citrus zest and licorice but they make me 😊.

We can't account for tastes, now can we? Everyone should be encouraged to venture around their backyard, the produce aisles, Garden Universe. What's Life about for a "Grower" otherwise?

Steve 🚶‍♂️


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Yes, Walmarts do have a craft department and they have beads too.
Many carry fabric. Most of it is cheap, but DD's, who sew a LOT (since they have been cosplaying for 25 years,) have found some decent fabric there for projects.
The fabric And A & C sections are right next to each other.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
@ducks4you , BIG lunch. In fact, I often, often don’t eat dinner.

Bedtime is early because I have learned - if it is a little late, sleeping for 8 hours will likely be impossible. Still rising commonly, before 4.

Just had my omicron booster and I can now smell music and I’m magnetically stuck to the car door!!

Steve waiting for DW to pick up her order of sushi …


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I found a couple of packages of chicken drumsticks yesterday, so cooked them up and picked the meat off the bones. Make chicken soup with spinach and mushrooms and chicken mole'. I had soup last night and mole' for breakfast. Took my vitamins and pain pill, got PT this morning. I'll head to Lufkin shortly for PT. Real foggy, so leave sooner.

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