

Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Coffee is ready! It’s foggy outside with 70% chance of rain. Do I go outside and get started on a project, then have to quit? Do I find something to do inside? I don’t know. I’ll do morning chores and figure it out.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Finished 1st breakfast but there are extra blueberry pancakes on a plate waiting for your topping of choice.

I'm on to and back to frozen fresh herbal tea. It's a relief to have finished off the dried anise hyssop while still having some from 22 in the freezer. And, having new lemon verbena from the greenhouse :). It's like a different cup of tea! Fresh flavors :). I really should have more than one lemon verbena. Despite all my mixing nonsense through the Winter, I'm content with having that one herb alone. One plant can be pleasantly supplemented with the anise hyssop but there isn't a sufficient supply to freeze for the Winter.

Pour yourself a cup.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
lemon balm?
I didn't like it fresh, Bay'. It has begun to grow and I will be hanging some to dry to learn if that makes a difference. Having tried Catnip both ways convinces me that it's a possibility. (Small bunch of catnip already hanging under the deck roof from discovering the two wild plants near the Big Veggie Garden ;).)

I don't imagine that the catnip will ever be very HiGh on my preference list but I remember it as something good cold from the fridge during last year's hot, Summer days.

I don't even know how I came across lemon verbena, it was so long ago. It was not in any of the boxed mixes that I have bought. It's a small bother that it isn't hardy enough for our Winters. I recall carrying it down to the basement and carefully positioning it so that it just might catch some afternoon sun through the one window capable of providing that. Survived but that was about all. It should be out from the greenhouse these days.

Lemongrass isn't my cup of tea, either. Lemon basil is super on baked fish :).

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
@Gardening with Rabbits , you can give me some advice later this year when I ressurect MY herb garden! :hugs
I still have oregano in a couple of places being taken over by grass, so I transplanted some to the new place last year and it looks good this year. I have some parsley that came back. It is called curly leaf. I have chives I am going to move. I will probably go to the Farmer's Market and see if I see anything interesting. I may have lemon balm. I think all my sage is gone now. I used to have Anise Hyssop and loved the flowers and smell. I think Digits makes tea from it.
I planted thyme, oregano and parsley in one of my tubs. @Gardening with Rabbits what do you use the thyme for?
I used to dehydrate it and I used it in soups and I have used it fresh too. I think I used it when I made bone broth. It has just been out there wild for a few years. I used a lot of oregano, basil and thyme. I always seem to have a lot of oregano, but I would run out of thyme and basil.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I didn't like it fresh, Bay'. It has begun to grow and I will be hanging some to dry to learn if that makes a difference. Having tried Catnip both ways convinces me that it's a possibility. (Small bunch of catnip already hanging under the deck roof from discovering the two wild plants near the Big Veggie Garden ;).)

I don't imagine that the catnip will ever be very HiGh on my preference list but I remember it as something good cold from the fridge during last year's hot, Summer days.

I don't even know how I came across lemon verbena, it was so long ago. It was not in any of the boxed mixes that I have bought. It's a small bother that it isn't hardy enough for our Winters. I recall carrying it down to the basement and carefully positioning it so that it just might catch some afternoon sun through the one window capable of providing that. Survived but that was about all. It should be out from the greenhouse these days.

Lemongrass isn't my cup of tea, either. Lemon basil is super on baked fish :).
I had lemon basil too and dehydrated extra and it was really good. I had lemon balm, but I never used it and then a year or so ago I started some but never planted them. Something in the news my friend told me about drinking tea from it and how healthy, but I don't remember.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
@Gardening with Rabbits , you can give me some advice later this year when I ressurect MY herb garden! :hugs
I am not going to go crazy like i did before. I bought every flavor of mint there was lol. I do not have a lot of room, but I want things I usually use like oregano, thyme and sometimes I use chives. Some things I just like the smell and to look at. I did plant curly leaf parsley last year and I see some of it came back. I use a lot of parsley. I used to have sage and I used a little now and then of that. I transplanted some oregano from a grass area taking over and it looks good this year in its new home. I really should be putting this stuff in pots instead of the ground., but I am going to try.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Good Morning.

I remember always throwing out leftover pancakes. I wonder why we did that. That was pre-microwave so that must have explained it. DW will be up soon and we can be sure that she will slice some of the pumpkin bread and nuke it. I'm not going that far. It softens bread. But, leftover blueberry pancakes are already soft, texture is the same as right off the griddle.

Almost put lemon verbena in the kettle without the anise hyssop because I was having trouble with separating the frozen verbena. Poured the hot water and thought, "oh, just a little of that licorice flavor." Added the hyssop -- indulgence ;).

Lovely waning Moon in the early morning sky. I missed the Full Moon with our cloudy cool-down. No cool for several days! If Seattle reaches 90f (32C) for the earliest EVER, it will make national news.

The bluest skies you've ever seen in Seattle
And the hills the greenest green in Seattle
Like a beautiful child growing up free and wild
Full of hopes and full of fears
Full of laughter full of tears
Full of dreams to last the years in Seattle
In Seattle

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