

Garden Addicted
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
SE Oregon
I love thyme with roasted carrots! I always so it when I make claypot chicken w/carrots and new potatoes. Soooo good!


*note: NOT my legs 😂


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Lots of pumpkin bread. I have put my slices, broken up, in a bowl with milk.

It's yeast bread so not sweet and not at all stale. Still a little syrup in the bowl after the canned peaches and that added some sweetness. To the oolong now that it has cooled a little.

Today, I need to set up the watering system in the distant garden. Quite a bit is required with installing a valve on the irrigation pipes, to laying out 3/4" long hoses and 1/2" hoses. Y valves for the short 1/2" with the 4 sprinklers on their stands. Brace the stands with heavy rocks and, maybe, give it a test run. Hope to heck that there isn't a drowned mouse in the irrigation pipes plugging things up!

Tomorrow should be for a full 3 hour run because we ain't gonna have any more rain through these 80+ degree (27°C) days coming on and whatever plants are coming up are gonna suffer without some moisture. May set out some tomato plants but only because the earliest ones in pots are root-bound and needing open ground. Wind on Sunday with the heat so not the best timing but I see no break from heat and dryness in the forecast. They are hardened off well and stakes can help with what is above ground after setting in deeper than usual.


Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
As long as he doesn’t sling a rock at you….
I always went in the house and still do when somebody is mowing without a bag. When I was a kid somebody got killed by a rock while sitting on their porch. I told the kids too to stay away and one day DH was mowing and DD was about 7 or 8 and I looked out and I saw it happen, a rock flew out of the lawnmower and hit her in the head. It was a little one.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I am on my second cup of coffee. I am moving plants back and forth on the patio. They are not hardened off yet. I pulled some weeds around the herbs.

I am recovering from yesterday. I had a bucket of rabbit manure tea that I started last year before my hospital thing and I never use it and leaves fell in the bucket and rain and snow, so I dumped half in another bucket so I could carry it and I put it in the blue compost barrel and then got the other half which had all the rabbit manure on the bottom. What a smell, so I put some old rotting straw from the rabbits on top and then later DS put grass clippings from mowing. I did some hoeing where the beans are going to get planted. Tomorrow the manure comes and I am going to plant beans. I will get some manure worked in and plant lettuce, Swiss chard and radishes. I do not have any onions, so I may look for onion sets or plants if I can find any. I know I am running late for onions.

I transplanted my morning glories into some pots and then I decided to make kitchen curtains for a small window and that went fast and then I decided to make a cover for the piano bench. It is leather and all cracked and so I made a cover with elastic and I can take it off and wash it. Then, DS came home and I helped put the fence up in the garden.

Tomorrow I am going to go and get some flowers for DD for her to plant in her pots for Mother's Day. They are all still sick but getting better, so I am not going to see her, just drop off and run. I do not want what they have.