
Artichoke Lover

Deeply Rooted
Dec 31, 2020
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North Alabama zone 7b
I bought those back in 1996 at walmart, I have enough plates, coffee cups etc... to set a large table of 20
I have tried to replace some silverware, but I cant believe the pot metal they use now days , I bought a set last April, and took it back, everything you ate tasted metallic
Some of the new stuff I’ve seen even has sharp edges. Cut my mouth on a soup spoon a few years back. It was a brand new set a family member had gotten as a wedding gift a few months prior.

Having my first cup of tea in over a week. I wasn’t sleeping well do to side effects of the meds I was taking after the cat bite so I’ve been alternating between no caffeine and large cups of coffee lol. I use a mini French press for my coffee. I only drink a cup or two at a time and I don’t have to worry about filters. It’s also easy to pack. If I know I’ll only be gone overnight I just put the grounds in the bottom of the press put the lid on and put it in my suitcase.


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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We make our coffee without a machine. We have a plastic filter holder that you put over the cup. So put plastic holder over cup, put filter inside plastic filter holder, add coffee grounds and then pour boiling water into it. It's perfect for us since we only drink one cup of coffee each. If I make it first my husband then adds more coffee to it for his pour. If he makes his first it's already strong enough for my cup. So it's nice that we reuse the filter and grounds once.

I found filters today I also got coffee with filters. All I know is for some reason unknown to me I can't drink this instant coffee anymore

Thanks Mary :)


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
No kidding! Car is chugging, after I take truck this morning, I’ll take car for them to plug in a code reader and see what’s up. And now the AC/heat unit won’t come on. I’m getting annoyed here….. Social Security hasn’t started paying me husband’s part of SS yet, maybe next month. The sad part is SS does this to everyone. What about people who are barely hanging on? Take away the major portion of their income for months, how are they supposed to get by? Thankfully I have some savings. I’m just venting.


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
I bought those back in 1996 at walmart, I have enough plates, coffee cups etc... to set a large table of 20
I have tried to replace some silverware, but I cant believe the pot metal they use now days , I bought a set last April, and took it back, everything you ate tasted metallic
I already posted my pans back, after reading up from some reviews on various iron pans the assessment on the ones I had was only 91. Something percent the company that sold them to me claimed they were 99 percent

I had a rash and a very aggravating itching on my back ever since using them, this kept waking me up.
It's put me off iron all together. Now I'm without a frying pan , or skillet as you all call them over your part of the world.

Oh how I miss frying my eggs :( I'm afraid to buy any pan at all now.
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Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
If you watch Newsmax you get to see the tv commerical for:
It is a Stitch!!
I'll have a cup of sleepy Joe please


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
@baymule, SO SORRY about your truck!! :hugs
DH insisted that we take our 2007 Dodge Cummins to the shop before he and DD's drove to SD last summer.
$2,400.00 later, we had new brakes. Hardly gets driven, never thought much about it, still is under 70K miles.
Guess God wants you to have a truck that runs, instead of letting you break down somewhere all alone.
Went to RK today. Apparently, they Now are selling baby chicks 12 months/year. I asked if they were using garden dirt as bedding. Nope. Used coffee grounds, sold packaged.
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Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
As you KNOW a weasel took my last flock. I still have a $1K coop and a 12' x 30' so there WILL be more chickens in my future. I LOVE the idea of coffee grounds esPECIALLY for chicks. People have been using sawdust and shavings for baby chicks and they get pasty butt, which is sometimes fatal. AND, they can slip on them. I have used a 100 gal (leaky) water tank as a brooder, with 4 inches of garden dirt, covered by old towels, which I would flip over and wash and reuse for about 6 weeks, then they can graduate to shavings. I bleach the towels, so they are clean and the chicks have friction, so they don't become lame.
For older birds I prefer medium shavings bc it cleans up better than fine. Fine shavings work the best for my horses. They are the closest to sawdust and break down faster in the garden.
ANYWAY, I make enough coffee that I am sure I can bed down the inside of the coop with them by the time I get more birds. Then they can go into the garden.
So, this was NOT a useless sidequest for this thread...after all.


Garden Addicted
Jun 26, 2021
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Schleiden, Germany USDA 8a
First coffee today, it's so nice to enjoy it with a creamy homemade pudding!

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
No kidding! Car is chugging, after I take truck this morning, I’ll take car for them to plug in a code reader and see what’s up. And now the AC/heat unit won’t come on. I’m getting annoyed here….. Social Security hasn’t started paying me husband’s part of SS yet, maybe next month. The sad part is SS does this to everyone. What about people who are barely hanging on? Take away the major portion of their income for months, how are they supposed to get by? Thankfully I have some savings. I’m just venting.
Really it is a bad thing for wives when their husbands die and waiting for the SS to change. DS and I had it a little rough for awhile. He just turned 18 and got a drivers license 2 weeks before DH died. He got a job and was driving DH's old car that was falling apart. My brother helped, but like you said what happens to people barely hanging on and without my brother I would have been in big trouble. Take care. We are the same age and your strength and endurance amazes me and getting me to think I can do some house repairs. LOL I am not sure I could load sheep though. I used to be able to back up and hook on a trailer with somebody pointing left, right, no forward, no back, NO TOO FAR, go back, go forward, LOL


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
Really it is a bad thing for wives when their husbands die and waiting for the SS to change. DS and I had it a little rough for awhile. He just turned 18 and got a drivers license 2 weeks before DH died. He got a job and was driving DH's old car that was falling apart. My brother helped, but like you said what happens to people barely hanging on and without my brother I would have been in big trouble. Take care. We are the same age and your strength and endurance amazes me and getting me to think I can do some house repairs. LOL I am not sure I could load sheep though. I used to be able to back up and hook on a trailer with somebody pointing left, right, no forward, no back, NO TOO FAR, go back, go forward, LOL
I'm sad too read that you have lost your husband thank goodness you have your brother. :love that's good to know.

Both you a @baymule are great coping with all you have

It has really saddened me that ontop of her loss the system has held back in what is rightfully hers. The very least they could do is help her through but not even that. How cold these people are.