Garden Master
Yes you can do house repairs! You can do more than you think. Having livestock keeps me strong. Feed comes in 50 pound bags, so does dog food. LOL I’m sure I’ll get lots of practice on the trailer.Really it is a bad thing for wives when their husbands die and waiting for the SS to change. DS and I had it a little rough for awhile. He just turned 18 and got a drivers license 2 weeks before DH died. He got a job and was driving DH's old car that was falling apart. My brother helped, but like you said what happens to people barely hanging on and without my brother I would have been in big trouble. Take care. We are the same age and your strength and endurance amazes me and getting me to think I can do some house repairs. LOL I am not sure I could load sheep though. I used to be able to back up and hook on a trailer with somebody pointing left, right, no forward, no back, NO TOO FAR, go back, go forward, LOL