

Garden Master
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Lower Hudson Valley, New York
@Pulsegleaner, I have never had a problem with spearmint or peppermint being invasive. Chocolate mint has sometimes had to be pulled, but I am fighting weeds in DD's backyards WITH invasives, including mint and Lily of the Valley.
Really you have to ignore most mint for a good year to need removal.
I think vinca is more invasive, IMHO.
I suppose it depends on how MUCH mint you use in a year. If you just take the odd sprig from time to time for your drink and leave the rest alone, it can get VERY big, VERY fast.

My choice with the Egyptian is sort of the converse, since I need a pretty huge bunch just to make one or two GLASSES of the stuff, if I DIDN'T let it run as wild as it could I would very quickly eat it ALL up and have nothing LEFT to come back the next year (mint may be tough, but even IT can't really take having ALL it's leaves yanked off year after year).


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
You have a neighbor from England in Idaho, @Gardening with Rabbits ? Makes me think of the Black guy in PF who actually ran for public office. (He may be going to jail after his trial.)

Things have changed over the years. The Volga Deutsche were quite an immigration group from Russia, years ago. I worked for a guy and had a professor from those families. Across my back fence, years ago, was a Finnish guy. The timber industry and mining attracted certain groups of people to Idaho, back then.

@ducks4you , I also have quite a few mints and we have little idea what to do with them, given DW's & my tastes. Ya know, it's a little difficult for parents to teach kids while they are learning dental care to NOT to swallow toothpaste :D.

Well, there's that anise hyssop that I will be starting soon - "Horse" mint, @Pulsegleaner ?
Why is the horse the most curious feeder in the world?
He eats best when he has not a bit in his mouth.
Steve :lol:


Garden Master
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Lower Hudson Valley, New York
Well, there's that anise hyssop that I will be starting soon - "Horse" mint, @Pulsegleaner ?
Ah, I think I see the confusion, Members of the Genus Monarda (the bee balms) are ALSO sometimes called Horsemint. but I meant ( )

@ducks4you. I can tell (from the wording) that that must be a very old joke (like the one that goes "why is a chicken pot pie like a gunsmith's shop?")

It also reminds me of the historical anecdote about English Judge Rodger Sewell Bacon. Apparently he was once sitting at a trial for a man named Francis Hogg. Hogg said to the judge "You should release me, for I am a Hogg and Hogg is kin to Bacon." To which the judge replied "Not until after it is hung.";)

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
Sharing this with her @baymule permission.

Today at 7:02 AMNew
closed yesterday. making another haul today. A couple from BYH from California is here helping me on this one. Tjjhey bought property in est texas a year or so ago, but are still living in California. I'm pushing real hard to be out of here so this wonderful family can have their new home. Still have to build fence and shelterr for sheep/dogs before I can take them. This has been a LOT for an old lady to bitw off. The good news is that when I find a new farm, I get to do it again. I must be insane. I'm worn out, limping on both knees, but there is no quit in me. Been sleeping in a recliner the past several days so my friends could have the air mattress. Tonight we sleep in REAL beds in Groveton.

The new owners are claiming me as Grandma Dana, they love me to pieces and I love them. I now have 4 new grandkids! LOL I'm honored that they claim me as family. What a Blessing. I still have outside stuff to move, the Kawasaki mule and tractor will be the last things to be moved. I've gotten pretty good at backing trailers, it still takes me awhile, but I'm getting better.

Better go, help is coming at 8 to help load the refrigerator, my chest of drawers, recliner, end table, I think that's all the big stuff that's left. Still have some things to load on my flatbed trailer and truck before we pull out. The new owners are loaning their cargo trailer, we have it stuffed! Then off to the 3 hour trip to Geroveton, unload, that will prbably take a couple of days. Boxes EVERYWHERE! to be unpacked, most to be shoved into a 40 foot shipping container.

I'll be looking for a new farm! I must have a brain tumor or something. LOL LOL

Internet gets cut off tomorrow, feel free to share this on the coffee thread to update everybody.

Love ya' bunches Dana!


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
The dry tangerine peels with the licorice root and star anise makes a tasty tea :). I'm having it with my English muffin with cream cheese. I may be cheating a bit by having what came out of the peels on the side ;).

For both the earlier first breakfast and now - I may be able to continue with this beverage until my own herbs come in. Hadn't thought of this combination until I read the ingredients on a box of Stash tea that I like.

Ordering seed online and visiting both a garden center and Home Depot yesterday was a little frustrating. Melons! After the abundance in 2021, I may not be able to find seed for some favorites - only very large packets are available online at the moment!


Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
@Artichoke Lover , I once had a mouse crawl up and die in my truck engine.
It was WEEKS before the smell went away.
@Gardening with Rabbits , I KNOW why you planted all kinds of mint. Some 10 years ago, or so, the box stores and others were selling so many different varieties of mint I think Every gardener tried some of them.
It is aMAZING how people can hybrid mint, and the smell leans towards something else.
I LOVE it when I Think of using my chocolate mint bc it really Does smell like Andies mints.
Pineapple mint, apple mint, there is quite a list of them.
There was a couple who grow everything and sell plants in the spring. I went there and bought chocolate mint, apple mint, which I still have a lot of apple, and spearmint, pineapple, peppermint, orange and there were more. I agree, the chocolate does have a chocolate mint and the pineapple I loved the smell and smelled like pineapple.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
The dry tangerine peels with the licorice root and star anise makes a tasty tea :). I'm having it with my English muffin with cream cheese. I may be cheating a bit by having what came out of the peels on the side ;).

For both the earlier first breakfast and now - I may be able to continue with this beverage until my own herbs come in. Hadn't thought of this combination until I read the ingredients on a box of Stash tea that I like.

Ordering seed online and visiting both a garden center and Home Depot yesterday was a little frustrating. Melons! After the abundance in 2021, I may not be able to find seed for some favorites - only very large packets are available online at the moment!

I was looking for basil on line, I forgot which one but hardly any to pick from. I just started shopping on line. I went to Walmart and found a couple of basil and some parsley. I am going to ACE later. I went through my seeds so have a good idea of what to order.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
It depends. Where I started a patch, west side of the house, often shady, and shaDED by the back door stairs, it almost died out.
Perfect conditions and it spreads.
I had a lot on the east side of the house, but it got the west sun. After DH got sick, I just abandoned this area that I had called the new herb garden. I had a lot of stuff in there. After 1 year the chocolate and apple mint was still there and then without watering much and weeds, the next year most was gone. The south herb garden got more water and over time I have pulled a lot of the mint out and weeds and put in flowers. The pineapple left and the chocolate, but I still have apple, spearmint and peppermint. Lots of watering here and gets shade. I planted a lot of flowers last year in there and it will be interesting to see how much mint survives.

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