Concerned About Growing Old?


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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Most of my friends, DH, and many relatives are all dead now, so joining them doesn't seem such a bad prospect. I want to avoid leaving any homeless pets in my wake when I go, and I definitely plan to avoid becoming victim to the medical industrial complex by ending up in a nursing home without any personal autonomy and/or losing all my resources to medical bankruptcy. At 74 yrs I am basically crowbait, but still have a few years ahead that I plan to spend in the realm of the living.
IMHO Your thinking is very healthy therefore, so is mine ;)

My only worry is my cat, it may be possible he will outlive me plus the outdoor cat.

I haven't had a holiday in to many years to remember but my family must think I have a good survival chance because they're planning a holiday of a lifetime for me a year and half ahead