Garden Master
Your layers will appreciate a place to dust bathe (don't know if the CX will care). Just a litter box with some dry sand will work for now. Some people add ashes, or DE, or just about anything that is 'dusty'. Given a chance, they will dig their own - in flower beds, driveway gravel, a dry spot in the middle of the yard...MontyJ said:Never heard of either cane. Please enlighten me.canesisters said:Monty, has anyone warned you yet about chicks dust bathing??? And the 'chicken bliss'?
When I put my chicks outside in the 'playpen' for the first time, I poured a little DE in a corner in case they wanted to try dusting. One of them went over, tasted a little, scratched around it a little, and then finally scratched IN it. She immediately fell over flopping and kicking, rolling onto her side and then her back!! With her wings waving madly and her legs going like she was running across the yard!! I was alarmed to say the least. Before I could fish her out she suddenly went completely still - her wings out, her legs stretched, her neck at an odd angle, her eyes closed....
I thought I had done something TERRIBLY wrong and killed her. I panicked all the others by crawling up in the pen to get to her - when I grabbed her limp body, she jerked and squawked - I had woken her up from what was apparently a GREAT nap.
I asked about this on BYC and was told this is called 'chicken bliss' - the stupor they go into after a particularly good dust bath.
Now that I know it's not a seizure of some sort, I like watching my girls in their turtle pool dust bath.