

Garden Master
Dec 10, 2016
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East-central Wisconsin
Had an interesting call from DD today. Her daughter told her that she had gone in for a Covid test and filled out paperwork, after which they told her she did not need the test. A couple days later, they called to tell her she tested positive - when she had not taken the test. DD was skeptical of the account, because her daughter has a way of stretching the truth. Today, though, two of her co-workers related that they had gone in for the test, filled out paperwork, and waited in line for the test. The wait was excessive, and they left the line without being tested. They too received calls that "their tests were positive".

Assuming this is true, if people are being given results for tests they never submitted, how accurate are the results for those actually tested? It calls into question whether this is gross incompetence, or an attempt to deliberately inflate the number of positive tests... either way, someone should be terminated over this. Those given false positives are self-quarantining & families are being disrupted on false pretenses.


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
Had an interesting call from DD today. Her daughter told her that she had gone in for a Covid test and filled out paperwork, after which they told her she did not need the test. A couple days later, they called to tell her she tested positive - when she had not taken the test. DD was skeptical of the account, because her daughter has a way of stretching the truth. Today, though, two of her co-workers related that they had gone in for the test, filled out paperwork, and waited in line for the test. The wait was excessive, and they left the line without being tested. They too received calls that "their tests were positive".

Assuming this is true, if people are being given results for tests they never submitted, how accurate are the results for those actually tested? It calls into question whether this is gross incompetence, or an attempt to deliberately inflate the number of positive tests... either way, someone should be terminated over this. Those given false positives are self-quarantining & families are being disrupted on false pretenses.

This is happening all over...literally...I'm hearing of this from all corners of the land. All people, tested or not, having signed up for the testing, are being told they are positive.

Yet, people believe the numbers anyway...there are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I had pneumonia in 2019. Several series of antibiotics and steroids. CT scans of my lungs and sinuses. I won't discuss DW's health.

What the heck are we supposed to do? I'm pleased to see others wearing a mask and hope they see my smiling eyes as we pass and I say Good Morning!

DD had pneumonia in 2010 and when she gets a chest cold it goes to her lungs and her lungs ache. Scares me because you just do not know for sure what is going on. After my pulmonary embolism twice now, I don't think it would be a good idea to catch this.


Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Being self righteously smug and claiming the moral high ground over something that I'm not convinced makes a difference and that is being forced on everyone, to the point of being arrested - that's what I find repugnant.

I really did not care about the mask mandate thing here. Kind of think bad for your health to wear them, maybe good to slow it down. Maybe wear one, maybe not, don't know, but then when they said a $1000 fine or A YEAR IN JAIL boy that upset me. Where is all this caring and kindness now?

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
@flowerbug and @Ridgerunner I feel the, IA was doing pretty good then lifted almost all restriction, numbers are going up FAST ! Those that refuse to help by simply wearing the mask and social distancing are making this drag on.... reminds me of the kid that won't be quite or stand still and all the kids miss recess because of his/her behavior.

DS has been going to work through this whole thing and nobody sick, but they are spaced out and in a big building. My brother the same. They have work stations and have to wear masks to leave their work station. They have had 2 people test positive. They shut down and cleaned and reopened next day. The people did not get sick at work. I really think it is just irresponsible to have churches and bars open. The rooms are too small. I finally convinced DD the whole world is not coming to an end, but we have to be careful. It is not the grocery store walking past somebody without a mask, but standing in a room, or sitting in a car for a few minutes, close contact for a period of time is what I read and same as when DD and DH got pneumonia at church, only the choir, the rest of us did not get it and DS and I did not get it living in the house with them. Even DH and the shingles. DS and I were around him all day, and in the car, and we both got chickenpox at the same time, but DD had a job and was not home and a lot of the times DH had already gone to bed when she came home. She caught chickenpox almost 2 weeks later from DS and me with the chickenpox and not DH's shingles.

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