

Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
i'm really trying to avoid replying to the repeated ill will that VR keeps posting here. i'm sorry he thinks that anyone who protests is a left-wing radical who wants to destroy the country instead of perhaps someone who has a legitimate complaint (like being killed by some jerk kneeling on your neck and taking selfies with his buddies).

i'm also trying to keep the politics and current events out of the thread and to post actual information instead of repeating lies and anecdotes. we all have things happen and we think they may be significant, but until they are verified they are just that anecdotes, not science, a point of data, but not a study or a trend.

with science it takes something more than an opinion or a hunch.

i'll believe those who do this sort of thing for a living over some random person off the web who seems rather bent on being more disruptive than helpful (and repeatedly so).

i know the type, i have them in my family, i wish they'd grow up, stop being hatefilled racists and ignorant.

pride of country is all ok, but the idea that the USoA can't be criticised or improved is utter bunk.

note, i'm not in favor of violence, but peaceful protests are what is part of the constitution. i'm all for that.
i'm really trying to avoid replying to the repeated ill will that VR keeps posting here. i'm sorry he thinks that anyone who protests is a left-wing radical who wants to destroy the country instead of perhaps someone who has a legitimate complaint (like being killed by some jerk kneeling on your neck and taking selfies with his buddies).

i'm also trying to keep the politics and current events out of the thread and to post actual information instead of repeating lies and anecdotes. we all have things happen and we think they may be significant, but until they are verified they are just that anecdotes, not science, a point of data, but not a study or a trend.

with science it takes something more than an opinion or a hunch.

i'll believe those who do this sort of thing for a living over some random person off the web who seems rather bent on being more disruptive than helpful (and repeatedly so).

i know the type, i have them in my family, i wish they'd grow up, stop being hatefilled racists and ignorant.

pride of country is all ok, but the idea that the USoA can't be criticised or improved is utter bunk.

note, i'm not in favor of violence, but peaceful protests are what is part of the constitution. i'm all for that.
I live about 20 miles from Portland , Ore. where the left wing RADICALS are having their " peaceful protests " for every day for months on end with NO end in sight. Destruction of Public and Private buildings, fires, grafitti , bodily injuries, and even a MURDER have occured ... all because they do NOT agree with our society's norms. My immediate family has lived through WW2 and it's aftermath in Europe. Other members of our family were killed execution style ( because we were property owners ), were deported to Siberia as slaves and never heard of again, and turned into Slaves to work in factories from daybreak to sunset for the rest of their lives. They lived on very MEAGER meals, and wore just the clothes on their backs, and slept in barracks. Can anyone tell me just why we should willingly vote for the utter leftwingers into office and turn the BASTION of LIBERTY and FREEDOM into a communist state ? Makes NO sense !


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
@flowerbug and @Ridgerunner I feel the, IA was doing pretty good then lifted almost all restriction, numbers are going up FAST ! Those that refuse to help by simply wearing the mask and social distancing are making this drag on.... reminds me of the kid that won't be quite or stand still and all the kids miss recess because of his/her behavior.
Love your analogy of the kid Carol.


valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert

I live about 20 miles from Portland , Ore. where the left wing RADICALS are having their " peaceful protests " for every day for months on end with NO end in sight. Destruction of Public and Private buildings, fires, grafitti , bodily injuries, and even a MURDER have occured ... all because they do NOT agree with our society's norms. My immediate family has lived through WW2 and it's aftermath in Europe. Other members of our family were killed execution style ( because we were property owners ), were deported to Siberia as slaves and never heard of again, and turned into Slaves to work in factories from daybreak to sunset for the rest of their lives. They lived on very MEAGER meals, and wore just the clothes on their backs, and slept in barracks. Can anyone tell me just why we should willingly vote for the utter leftwingers into office and turn the BASTION of LIBERTY and FREEDOM into a communist state ? Makes NO sense !

Good morning Bob ~ welcome and thank you for weighing in ~ Lord be with you and your family for all they have seen and been through ```

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
i'll say again....WEAR A MASK, WASH HANDS FREQUENTLY, SOCIAL DISTANCING AND CARRY A HAND SANITIZER IN YOUR PURSE OR POCKET. I'm in the position now where i have a health care attendant come in every morning to get me ready for the day. my daughter who is a business owner has brought me bags of hand sanitizers which can be refilled, ones that will clip on to a pocket or i.d. card to give out to my health care workers, smart girl, she has the name of her company on them;) we are taking this whole virus thing very seriously up here.

Thank you ~ Yep, I wash my hands often ~ I ware a mask, ~ keep away from others ~ I don't often use that hand sanitizer my hands are clean, not all that hold that bottle are ```

Well, Upward and Onward ```


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
I would very much like our TEG participants in Canada and the Netherlands and elsewhere in the World, that @valley ranch endorses the ideas of only a minority of Americans.

Nope, he doesn't. There's a HUGE majority of people who feel the same way but every time they express it they are shamed, derided and otherwise jeered into silence~called conspiracy theorists, inconsiderate, stupid, careless, and any number of bad things~ because the "majority" who isn't a majority feel like that is the perfect way to silence any opposition to how they believe.

Trump is very well supported everywhere I go and I don't do politics at all....can't STAND even the mention of them~but if I had to support anyone in a political race this season, Trump would be it. VR is not the minority, but those in the true minority would like very much if it would appear to be's not.

I've stepped away from this forum due to all this political crap and bashing of America, of our President and of our fellow members here who do not follow the party line on this Plandemic, but Valley Ranch is not in a minority, we just choose not to hash this out on a GARDENING forum. We also choose not to spend our days being chewed out by complete strangers for standing for what we believe in. We don't like being ordered by those same strangers to WEAR a MASK, as if they had any control over us whatsoever and by repeating that mantra that they will somehow gain that control.

I'd very much like to let our TEG participants from around the world know that we are here to discuss GARDENING and I for one won't tolerate any bashing of Valley Ranch or the President of our country just to appear friendly. Valley Ranch is NOT the minority, it's just the majority of intelligent, polite people are tired of all the tension, the strife, the drama~highly unneeded and unnecessary, mind you~of this whole situation.

Speak for yourself, Steve, but please don't you dare speak for the rest of us, the so called "minority" that are not, in truth, a minority at all, but the majority that have seen through the lies of all of this and have no need to discuss it further. We are here, watching and waiting until we can safely participate in this forum once again without all this needless drama and strife.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
The last time @valley ranch had anything to say about gardening was several years ago when he did some grafting of tomato plants. That's it. Time and time again, it is politics, politics and politics.

Disbelieve these polling organizations if you would like but then it is simply your opinion against those who were asked and counted.
  • Gallup Poll
  • Harris Interactive
  • Marist Institute
  • Monmouth University
  • Pew Research
  • Public Policy Polling
  • Quinnipiac University
  • Rasmussen
  • Susquehanna Polling, etc.

Rhodie Ranch

Garden Master
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State, 8b
close this thread. I'm not liking my personal reactions to the bitterness here. I don't need to hear it, read it or know about it. I just lost my 19 yr old cat yesterday (sad), its raining (thank you Lord) and my eyes need some cold crisp cucumber slices on them - hey! maybe from my GARDEN (like Bee says).


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
close this thread. I'm not liking my personal reactions to the bitterness here. I don't need to hear it, read it or know about it. I just lost my 19 yr old cat yesterday (sad), its raining (thank you Lord) and my eyes need some cold crisp cucumber slices on them - hey! maybe from my GARDEN (like Bee says).

that was my reaction ages ago.

sorry for the loss of the kitty. :(

as long as people keep posting misinformation it should be corrected or at least i hope people have the good sense to check out what is actually being recommended by those who do this for a living.

@Beekissed Plandemic was debunked eons ago. i'm sorry you are offended by being asked to wear a mask. the science is pretty good on that by now.

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