

Garden Master
Dec 10, 2016
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East-central Wisconsin
DD#2 & her family are just getting over covid - for the 2nd time. Our Granddaughter just informed us that she, her boyfriend, and her roommates all have it. Granddaughter already had covid once, and is fully vaxed. This variant is spreading like wildfire, be extra careful out there if you have vulnerabilities.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
so far the course is looking to be following the UK and South Africa. this is good news in the end even if the next few weeks look like a S**tshow.

hospitalisation rate has gone up a bit but with this many infections happening all at once i don't see how that could have been avoided other than more people being vaccinated a few months ago. non-vax percentage is still high at about 85%.


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
so far the course is looking to be following the UK and South Africa. this is good news in the end even if the next few weeks look like a S**tshow.

hospitalisation rate has gone up a bit but with this many infections happening all at once i don't see how that could have been avoided other than more people being vaccinated a few months ago. non-vax percentage is still high at about 85%.
What no one has mentioned Be it the medical systems on the media, governments or online with the exception of one very well educated doctor, are these facts that some people cannot have the vax, such as people who has allergies too the ingredients and definitely those who have severe low immunity.
One woman with a low immune system insisted on taking her vaccines has been left in a dreadful state. She feels as if she is on a very rocky ship and has lost the feeling in her one leg.
Her doctor ever since has refused too see her and with trying every day she still cannot get an appointment.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
What no one has mentioned Be it the medical systems on the media, governments or online with the exception of one very well educated doctor, are these facts that some people cannot have the vax, such as people who has allergies too the ingredients and definitely those who have severe low immunity.

not that many people are allergic to the ingredients. a lot of people just don't want it because they've been fed misinformation by others and now they're set in their ways. until they get infected and start dying and then they ask to be vaccinated. too late by that time.

One woman with a low immune system insisted on taking her vaccines has been left in a dreadful state. She feels as if she is on a very rocky ship and has lost the feeling in her one leg.
Her doctor ever since has refused too see her and with trying every day she still cannot get an appointment.

one person's issues are hard to base any decision upon especially without knowing exactly what happened. yes, there are some people who've had complications but the numbers overall are still massively in favor of getting vaccinated, but if you are in the UK and thinking about it you are probably too late. instead you'd be taking your chances that the Omicron will get to you and you won't have a serious infection (likely so since Omicron doesn't get into the lungs as much as Delta would have).

anecdotal evidence is evidence but if you make decisions based upon one incident then how can you ever do anything? it is true that people die in accidents while driving but many people still do it. if those people are not getting vaccinated because of a small number of negative incidents then why are they driving? if they are truly allergic to one of the ingredients it is likely there is another vaccine available that doesn't have that ingredient. IMO it's just a bunch of BS and those who are using it as an excuse are often misled and misinformed. now, though, it's probably too late anyways.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
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Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
Some people with certain preexisting conditions get no benefit from the vaccine, their body does not develop the antibodies. Some people with certain preexisting conditions should not take the vaccine, it could be harmful to them. One of my sister-in-laws falls into this category. She wants to get the vaccine but a doctor she has worked with for years and that she trusts tells her not to. Hopefully people in either of these situations has a doctor they trust and knows their conditions will seek medical advice.

For others it's their decision whether to get vaccinated or not. Personally I believe the benefits of the vaccine tremendously outweigh the risks, but for whatever reasons others don't. I can only control what I do. It's a very divisive issue, what is logical to me isn't logical to many others.


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
not that many people are allergic to the ingredients. a lot of people just don't want it because they've been fed misinformation by others and now they're set in their ways. until they get infected and start dying and then they ask to be vaccinated. too late by that time.

one person's issues are hard to base any decision upon especially without knowing exactly what happened. yes, there are some people who've had complications but the numbers overall are still massively in favor of getting vaccinated, but if you are in the UK and thinking about it you are probably too late. instead you'd be taking your chances that the Omicron will get to you and you won't have a serious infection (likely so since Omicron doesn't get into the lungs as much as Delta would have).

anecdotal evidence is evidence but if you make decisions based upon one incident then how can you ever do anything? it is true that people die in accidents while driving but many people still do it. if those people are not getting vaccinated because of a small number of negative incidents then why are they driving? if they are truly allergic to one of the ingredients it is likely there is another vaccine available that doesn't have that ingredient. IMO it's just a bunch of BS and those who are using it as an excuse are often misled and misinformed. now, though, it's probably too late anyways.


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
not that many people are allergic to the ingredients. a lot of people just don't want it because they've been fed misinformation by others and now they're set in their ways. until they get infected and start dying and then they ask to be vaccinated. too late by that time.
I beg too differ on "not many people are allergic " as I have already said , people with autoimmune diseases will definitely have a very serious reaction too many vaccines including the flu jab.
one person's issues are hard to base any decision upon especially without knowing exactly what happened.
I can assure you there are millions of people that have had all their vaccines, some will be okay while many will have serious consequences in time if not already. But they were NEVER once warned of the potential risks

yes, there are some people who've had complications but the numbers overall are still massively in favor of getting vaccinated, but if you are in the UK and thinking about it you are probably too late. instead you'd be taking your chances that the Omicron will get to you and you won't have a serious infection (likely so since Omicron doesn't get into the lungs as much as Delta would have).
Sad isn't it for those people who cannot have the vaccines especially those who have had bronchitis numerous times and those who have had pneumonia and family that have died of the the above mentioned
anecdotal evidence is evidence but if you make decisions based upon one incident then how can you ever do anything?
One incident? How about 4 million people in the UK with autoimmune diseases, which are increasing by 9 per cent each year.

it is true that people die in accidents while driving but many people still do it.
I wouldn't ever try driving a car because I know I was never able too drive and i wouldn't want too EVER risk hurting anyone that includes myself.
Also I would love too try rock climbing but I value my life to much to attempt that one either :)
if those people are not getting vaccinated because of a small number of negative incidents then why are they driving? if they are truly allergic to one of the ingredients it is likely there is another vaccine available that doesn't have that ingredient. IMO it's just a bunch of BS and those who are using it as an excuse are often misled and misinformed. now, though, it's probably too late anyways.
We all have our opinions and thank God we are still allowed that at least, for now

Anyway back too the subject of autoimmune diseases...
To name a few, Type 1 diabetes multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis. Where the cells of the body attacks itself, it will in many cases, admittedly NOT all, will not have the defences it needs too fight back.

I wonder if this valuable study is still under research with the importance if this vaccine being the only subject on the health scene for the past 2 year's



Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
Some people with certain preexisting conditions get no benefit from the vaccine, their body does not develop the antibodies. Some people with certain preexisting conditions should not take the vaccine, it could be harmful to them. One of my sister-in-laws falls into this category. She wants to get the vaccine but a doctor she has worked with for years and that she trusts tells her not to. Hopefully people in either of these situations has a doctor they trust and knows their conditions will seek medical advice.
It must be a huge relief too have a doctor so trust worthy and brave .
I pity good doctors that are not permitted too even warn their patients for fear if losing their license :(
For others it's their decision whether to get vaccinated or not. Personally I believe the benefits of the vaccine tremendously outweigh the risks, but for whatever reasons others don't. I can only control what I do. It's a very divisive issue, what is logical to me isn't logical to many others.
It must be great for those who can have the reassurance of a vaccine.


Garden Addicted
Jan 17, 2021
Reaction score
Northern Ontario, Canada
We have had a compelling situation here in the last 2 months; a seniors home had 26 people test positive. However, this was a very guarded facility. In order to live there, or work there, or visit there, you had to be be jabbed 2X. Even to deliver goods there you had to be 2X. But that wasn't even enough to allow you in. You had to be sanitized, masked and also do a rapid test to confirm you weren't positive. Every time you went in. Even if it was to the corner store and back. And 26 people still got it.

This was an assisted living facility, where the seniors still did their own laundry, cleaned most of their own rooms etc. These were not sick people, they were all actually very high functioning. The ill or seriously compromised would not have been permitted entry to this facility. So what does it take to protect people, then, if living in relative isolation (already), being double XX, masked in the communal areas, sanitized and tested doesn't do it. I think it is turning out that the protection being promised is not be being delivered. I can't count at this point how many people I have met or have family members that have caught covid despite being 2X or 3X vxxed. Whoppi Goldberg was in the media yesterday, 3X jabbed, was in relative isolation, and still tested positive.
I beg too differ on "not many people are allergic " as I have already said , people with autoimmune diseases will definitely have a very serious reaction too many vaccines including the flu jab.
I agree @Marie2020 . And autoimmune compromise is often hidden, and the people that have it may not even know. I've met a not insignificant number of people that have been hospitalized for a week after getting the jab, or seniors who have lost their spouse as a result. Native peoples here seem especially hard hit. Sadly, for these people, they are not permitted to tell there stories in the media, they get banned or censored. There is a young man here, teenager, who got the X, and lost use of his arm. He has gone around to the mobile clinics to warn other people about what happened to him. The clinics are all arranged now so that not even the staff will know where it will be until they are texted that morning so, the gov can avoid people showing up that they don't want there. I dunno, all seems a bit questionable. I think Loza Alexander said some stuff very well.

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