Garden Master
Bee wasn't taking any chances.......
And Bee is old enough to know better.
As a mother, it's my duty to educate my children about those things.
Bee wasn't taking any chances.......
That's a mistake that won't wash off. I can look at my 62 year old butt, glad that I didn't get that rose tattoo when I was 19. So what does a wrinkledassI'm not against tattoos but don't have any myself. I've only recently thought about getting one, but only if I still feel the same way in a year. I just don't like the idea of anything permanent attached to my skin.
That's a mistake that won't wash off. I can look at my 62 year old butt, glad that I didn't get that rose tattoo when I was 19. So what does a wrinkledassold butt rose look like anyhow? Glad that I don't know.........