Garden Master
Yesterday, I must have been thinking about Labor Day, its meaning and significance in history.
In my dream, l was working a few blocks from the location of my previous job. That business was sold and relocated a few years after I left and 2 of the 3 buildings that it occupied were taken down and replaced with an apartment building. The other buildings on the same block remain the same, old buildings.
The guys I was with in the dream and started walking. We were on our way to a Union meeting ..!
I have never belonged to a union. Dad was a member more than half of his long life. It made a good deal of difference in his retirement and, no doubt, during his working years.
Since we were in the alley behind the building where our dream job was, us guys just continued down the alley. In my dream imagination, the union hall was just a block or 2 beyond my old place of work. As we passed the new apartments, I averted my eyes, looking off to the left at the familar neighborhood scene that remains from my years being there. It felt very comfortable and I was happy doing what we were doing and hoped that we wouldn't be late. Awakened.
In my dream, l was working a few blocks from the location of my previous job. That business was sold and relocated a few years after I left and 2 of the 3 buildings that it occupied were taken down and replaced with an apartment building. The other buildings on the same block remain the same, old buildings.
The guys I was with in the dream and started walking. We were on our way to a Union meeting ..!
I have never belonged to a union. Dad was a member more than half of his long life. It made a good deal of difference in his retirement and, no doubt, during his working years.
Since we were in the alley behind the building where our dream job was, us guys just continued down the alley. In my dream imagination, the union hall was just a block or 2 beyond my old place of work. As we passed the new apartments, I averted my eyes, looking off to the left at the familar neighborhood scene that remains from my years being there. It felt very comfortable and I was happy doing what we were doing and hoped that we wouldn't be late. Awakened.