Ducks 4 in '24


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I needed DH to advocate for me. I must have a high pain threshold bc I guess I don't verbalize how much pain I have been in, but I don't think it rises to the level of Shingles.
It is really weight bearing more than anything else.
Still, it is a circular problem...supposed to exercise more without using my knees..doable,
but then I get aches from muscles that haven't been used lately.
Pain med, tramadol, only works at night for 4 hours. Still, I am only using 1/day (night), then I keep moving around until the pain goes away, or get up mid of the night to make coffee for the morning, walk around, and get some relief.
Still, it's NOT getting better. Still don't understand why anybody would want to dely the inevitable. DH thinks some people are afraid of surgery.
I am looking forward to a lovely 2 hr nap.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I was enjoying the photos on @secuono's thread.
I have one of those bush hoggers, too. It's been so dry this year that we haven't used it. A lot of fields have been harvested locally due to our periodic drought this late summer. I lost my one cherry tree, and the other one almost completely defoiliated, so I started to use a soaker hose on it. It grew in some 2025 leaves and flowers, BUT, most importantedly, the tree reacted positively to the watering. I plan to set up the 100gallon Rubbermaid tank with a drip this week and mulch it. Easy peasy source--stalls that haven't been stripped since last Spring. Lots of straw and aged manure there.
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