DUCKS for THEE in 2023


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Yesterday the PLAN was to mow underneath the older and smaller of my Morency Tart Cherry trees, and then till it.
It has been de leafing for 3 years going now, while the one east of it, one year YOUNGER is now double the size of the older.
I May have buried it too deep. I thought if I could till underneath and remove soil that it might improve.
It keeps TRYING to rebound.
So, I grab a spray can of starter fluid, a partial can of gas, and proceed to spray the filter, and to till.
I pull the cord, it tries to start, but the cord broke, so it quit.
This afternoon I will need to replace the cord.
Glad to know it will start.


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
Good evening everyone ☺

This climbing rose has stayed dormant, it has buds but they are not opening 🤔

Should I open them and if so would anyone know the best way?

Any thoughts would be very much appreciated

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Garden Addicted
Jun 26, 2021
Reaction score
Schleiden, Germany USDA 8a
Good evening everyone ☺

This climbing rose has stayed dormant, itvhas buds but they are not opening 🤔

Should I open them and if so would anyone know the best way?

View attachment 57647
My climbing roses are also not yet ready to bloom, why do you think they are dormant?
Your rose looks healthy to me.


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
My climbing roses are also not yet ready to bloom, why do you think they are dormant?
Your rose looks healthy to me.
Thank you for your reply. :)
This rose was potted for a couple of months during very heavy rains and winds

It had these buds on it for around a month before it was planted into the ground around a month ago. So with two months of staying exactly the same I've been wondering why.

I haven't had a climbing rose before. I planted a rose Bush once and it just died, so to be honest I don't have a clue.


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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Fortunately I don't really Have a slug problem, maybe bc my lawn slopes away from the house and has few wet areas.
Still, GOOD to know!
Been weaning myself off of benedryl every 12 hours.
Yesterday it was like I was on sedatives ALL DAY!!! :hit
Today I skipped a pill.
The other night I discovered that the cover for my LR chair had scent on it.
Allergies are a nightmare. Do you have any calamine lotion or even camomile tea? Drinking the latter helps with sleep and babbing a little of that tea on the itch can sometimes relieve the welts a little

Just a thought.
I went to bed and had welts on the backs of both legs. I found some benedryl cream and it stopped the itching so I could sleep.
I have gotten several Really good night's sleep. Even Eva didn't bother me until 6:30ish, and Pyg had no accidents last night.
The ONLY gardening I got done was to put out pots with multiple tomatoes that had gotten pretty big. I put them in my window wells, south side of the house and they all look great!
This buys me some time to set up the fencing around the cistern and then I can plant them.
Meanwhile, downstairs gro light/heat mat/2 fish tanks spots have opened up.
Got a city meeting tonight to prepare for and I am bringing in my car to get the oil changed, and probably 2 new tires. The back passenger tire holds air for about one day. DD's tried to change to the (full sized) spare, but the lug nuts are stripped. I am SURE that my garage can fix these things, and I called to give them a heads up.
They are VERY busy right now.
This weekend I start up potting my peppers and I will keep them downstairs until maybe mid June.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
You need to start being positive!! :hugs
You Have had successes!
I re watched a gardening program (interview) with a woman who grows 12 months/year in Nova Scotia, a Much harsher climate that yours or mine is.
She has a blog and answers questions. One viewer wrote in to complan that their tomatoes and peppers didn't do well.
She asked, "what DID grow well for you this year?"
The response was a laundry list.
I think we believe the press on seed packages and online videos that this is easy.
Some is, a lot ISN'T.
I grew 100 beefsteak tomatoes from seed this year. I still have to plant some of them. I killed a dozen of them.
I had a pot of 4 next to the south facing window ledge on the porch. It got sun and a breeze. All 4 tomatoes died.
I potted up 4 more, put them in the same spot and they are flourishing.
Not ALL seeds in a package are as strong as others.
Keep trying, learn from mistakes and figure out what works for YOU.
I can't keep any houseplants. HERE is the window planter where the geraniums and onions survived the cats this winter.
I put a plastic (biodegradable) garbage bag to line it, put in potting soil, and caged it. Otherwise all would be toast.
Soon they will go outside.
Your words need to be used to bless, and that means to bless yourself, as well as others.
Overwintering geraniums & onions, 05-22-23.jpg