Garden Master
Still hoping and praying for the best...
I am so sorry, they are so bad here this year too. I posted back in the spring because we are pretty sure they killed one of our dogs, we never found him and I know that they attacked our huge german sheppard. She was too big for them to take down but they roughed her up a bit. They were coming up into our front yard trying to get her to come out but we had penned her up to heal. My husband went out and they ran off but they are still out in the woods at night. Daisy, our dogs goes out with me every night to put the chickens away, she normally will run around the field and into the woods just to chase... everything. Now through she will sometimes just still by the gate and wait for me to go in and lock up the chickens and then come back out. She just stares at the tree line and I know that the coyotes are right there wanting a chicken dinner.vfem said:I'm about 90% sure a coyote has been picking off my ducks on the pond. By Saturday I had lost 2 ducks and couldn't find any trace of them and was pretty unsure of what was going on.
I'm stuck right now, my neighbor thought she saw a coyote in broad daylight out wondering the pond. She was 100% it wasn't a dog and I tend to agree now. Its definitely a BOLD coyote and it came up to my house and snatched a 3rd duck that was sitting under my deck on a nest. But the darn girl fought for her life and got away!
I found her under a bush missing most of her neck... looks like he got away with all the skin for 2 inches above her body all the way to base of her neck. Took a good amount of muscle too because I can see her organs, which are all there and in tact. I have her neck wrapped with a sock with vaseline and neosporin until I can get some blukot and retreat her. She'll stand up and walk but she's stressing badly to move her head. If I bring her water and food she'll eat a tiny bit, but she'll drink good.
Really, I'm just looking for any advice. Whether or not I take it I can't promise.
I have a feeling someone is going to say put her down, but she's been my absolute favorite little buddy for over 3 years. I just can't bring myself to do that right yet because she fought so danged hard to live. I feel I need to respect that to a point and show her I'm proud of her and I'll fight for her if that's what she wants.
Secondly, I want to know if those danged solar night eyes work? I want to set something up to keep the coyotes away. If I catch it, that's the end of it. But obviously I haven't been vigilant enough and haven't caught it in the act to take care of the situation.
So thanks for your time and advice, I'm a little worn out and emotionally drained right now... so forgive me!
desertlady said:oh thats tough with the chickies, few weeks ago I thought I was losing mine, they were all paralyzed ! One was acting like she was dying. I suspected bad feed. so I threw it away. The next day they were getting better except for one. she couldnt move and was about to die. She would not eat or drink. I was hoping she would go. But the next few days she was still hanging there and couldnt walk. I gave her canteloupe. about 5 days later she was perking up and slowing got back on her feet. she is now walking !! Its tough raising farm animals !!
I have heard it can be caused by mold spores. Sounds like their immune systems were strong enough to pass the poison through their systems, purge and recovery. You're very lucky!catjac1975 said:I have never heard of such a thing. They all survived?desertlady said:oh thats tough with the chickies, few weeks ago I thought I was losing mine, they were all paralyzed ! One was acting like she was dying. I suspected bad feed. so I threw it away. The next day they were getting better except for one. she couldnt move and was about to die. She would not eat or drink. I was hoping she would go. But the next few days she was still hanging there and couldnt walk. I gave her canteloupe. about 5 days later she was perking up and slowing got back on her feet. she is now walking !! Its tough raising farm animals !!