Ducks4you for 2022


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Had SIL's DH (and SIL) over Saturday to give me a hands on tutorial on my push mowers.
I Learned a LOT!!!
Always afraid that if I changed the blade and it was too loose I would cut off my feet!! :eek::eek::eek:
He said, "no, it would rattle around."
Had to buy replacement parts bc when I put two of the old mowers away last Fall, I broke down the handles and lost the bolts and rubber wingnuts.
Found new ones today.
Opened up the north pasture for the horses Saturday, so it's on to mowing and killing burdock.
Supposed to be in the 90's this week!! :th
No Spring for US!!! :somad


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Supposed to be in the 90's this week!! :th
No Spring for US!!! :somad

not much rain here again this past week. i hooked up the hoses today. there's no chances of frost this week and some chance of rain this weekend. no idea what next week brings. hot this week, but i should be able to get some gardens weeded now that everything is dry enough. i'll have to water some spots.

poor blade balance can cause vibration in a mower. after 15-20yrs the Honda mower is still doing ok, but we did have to replace a carb when the cruddy gas gunked it up. we'll run it as long as it will go. i'm hoping right about when it decides to give up i'll be done with mowing here and try to find some other way of getting things done that don't use a noisy pesky machine that needs gas and oil. 'lectric doesn't really give me much hope for the task either, but we'll see what happens. i know in some spots i've been happy to go through with a pair of scissors. the loppers are still my favorite tool. quiet and effective.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Transplanted some leeks and broccoli yesterday. Glad that this is another up and down rotten Spring, bc I am learning to grow both from seed. I imagine that the broccoli will probably be out end of the month and try to go to seed.
I am REALLY looking forward to Fall gardening with these cool weather crops.
Tomorrow I am picking up a whole cow. Never bought a whole one before.
After doing the math, I figured that this steer will Just fit in the 3 chest freezers--my 14 1/2 cu ft, my 7 cu ft, and DD's 7 cu ft. Space needed is less than the available 28 cu ft we have, with NOW 3 empty freezers ready to receive.
DH told me to buy another 7 cu ft, which was on sale this week.
Yesterday I finished cleaning out the biggest freezer. Didn't have to throw very much away.
I FILLED my 7 cu ft with all of it, but I processed cherries, grapes and peaches that had been frozen.
The first batch of peachers became peach preserves and that turned out awesome!!
The 2nd batch had some peaches I shouldn't have saved. Ponies will have a nice treat, and WE will have a nice pie this weekend.
Last bags of cherries that I missed and found hiding yesterday were a full 6 quarts worth, which I am not fond of, I prefer to hot water bath pints. Even with a better hot water bath canner, using quarts I still get water leakage over the stove and in front. Cleaner floor now!
DD's unloaded the newest freezer and we now have it in the basement, where there is a 6 inch cement ledge in front of the outlet. It weights about 100 pounds, so 2 people can move it. Basement is cave temperature, so that should help.
I will be unloading about 1,000 pounds of meat tomorrow. Live weight, 1,525 pounds. big...boy
I'd be dreading this, but I routinely unload a 1,000 pounds of stall bedding when I fill up my truck.
Tomorrow evening I should be wiped out!
Dunno how much my big freezer weighs but it was delivered in 2020 and wheeled right into the garage.
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Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I will be unloading about 1,000 pounds of meat tomorrow. Live weight, 1,525 pounds. big...boy
Hanging weight is usually about 55% to 65% of live weight. At 65%, he'd be around 990 pounds. Then take out a lot of bone and extra fat, from making the cuts, and you get less overall weight, especially if you have a lot of hamburger. But don't worry, that is still going to be a LOT of meat! Congratulations on raising a beef to load the freezers. That is the best beef ever.

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