Ducks4you for 2022


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Thx!! :hugs
I met this lady last October. She had a guy who promised to buy 1/4 cow, but she (the cattle rancher) had experienced this same guy fink out. I was hoping he would bc I would have taken 1/4 cow, ALL hamburger.
It was $1.20/lb
He took the meat.
She called me in March to see if I still wanted beef and offered 1/2 or full. I also had a choice, smaller or bigger steer.
I took the bigger one, and he weighs more than my largest horse.
All figured we are paying $3.40/lb.
Eldest DD, the Chef, was specific about the meat order, which I completed over the phone. We asked for a few cuts that probably aren't normally ordered, like the ox tail.
The 14 1/2 cu ft freezer will be ALL hamburger. I mentioned that it lives in the garage. I will be locked tomorrow after filling.
The new basement 7 cu ft freezer will be all steaks, roast and specialty meat. We had the truck in the back yard unloading last night, so I was stealthy, but somebody would have to KNOW what we have in the basement, so it doesn't need locking.
My porch freezer is full. Frozen vegetables are on top, and towards the bottom are older meats.
DD's 7 cu ft freezer will take the rest.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I picked it up on Friday. MISTAKE!!! They were open all weekend, and would have kept our meat without a surcharge through today. NEXT TIME, all 4 of us are going, so that I have some help!
DH helped me load, for a little while, but the high was 92, so halfway loaded in the truck I sent him to the cab to the AC.
I don't want anybody in town to know about my beef. They have a lot of big mouths, and somebody visiting may decide to help themselves to my stash.
I moved my car (from the north spot in the 4 car garage,) and backed up the truck.
I used my wheelbarrow and my plastic gardening tote, like this one:
I loaded up the new 7 cu ft in the basement First. I started with the specialty meats, like the liver, soup bones and others. They went on the ledge (which is where the motor is located on most chest freezers,) and when I was finished I could lift up the rack to access them, instead of burying them under all of the rest of the meat.
I used my phone, and took pictures of every full tote's worth, sent the picture and the breakdown to DD, and she said it gives her a "road map" of where the steaks and roasts and other pieces are located.
I was surprised that we mostly had t bone steaks. All steaks were cut 1" thick.
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Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I put hamburger only in my 14 1/2 cu ft freezer in the garage, 110 (2 lb) packages plus (4) 24 lb hamburger patties. It only took up about 1/3 of that freezer, and it is LOCKED, since we don't really lock the garage...yet.
Fixing that lock is on this summer's agenda.

Rhodie Ranch

Garden Master
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State, 8b
We were just up at our new home in WA this weekend. The sellers had moved out. Turns out that the two very large roll up garage doors don't lock. NO??? WHY??? When I texted them they said that they didn't have a need to do so, even tho he had a $15K tractor and our new to use zero gravity $4000 mower. We are LOCKING those two doors when we go back!!


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I will N E V E R understand when people don't lock up their stuff.
MY GOSH!!! If you live waaaaaayyyyyy out away from other people, you could come home to a squatter, with a weapon, or a mental problem, who got into your UNLOCKED HOUSE!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
I sleep good with my 14yo dog AND my 3 yo GS, who both sleep IN MY ROOM on the floor, and all doors are locked.
P.S. Weapons are also within reach.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Saturday I had to recover from transporting/putting away the beef.
No gardening.
Sunday I had to mow.
No gardening.
Monday I had to ReCover from all of the mowing.
No gardening.
ToDAY I am gardening...sort of. I didn't want to mow the inner sanctum any more, but I decided that since most of the actual grass has gone to seed, it would be a good idea to mow it.
I am also poisoning burdock, chickweed, curly dock, and pepper grass. I am taking my lunch break now, then back to finishing the trim, then using my reciprocating saw on the taller batches of curly dock.
One more thing, when we got new fencing we moved the fenceline further south. 8 of the old posts were set in cement. Last summer, I backed my riding mower--The "God Mower"--and bent the blades. :somad
The riding mower has 2 blades. I don't have that problem with a push mower. Still, I have to use my push mower over the round cement that sticks up a couple of inches, and then I don't run the Other mower over them.
I am still burning boxes from the retired closed law files that we went through in March--8 left to burn.
After the trim I will use my riding mower to finish, start another box of files burning, and take breaks where I will poison as many of these weeds as possible.
I will let the horses on this again in a couple of weeks. They will spend a whole day mowing for me, and I will go out the next day to cut and poison what I miss today. Pretty sure by the 4th of July I won't need to run my machines there.
Tonight rain, but over by mid tomorrow! :D
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